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词汇 发现自己
例句 The insect found itself entangled in an inextricable net.昆虫发现自己被缠在一个逃脱不掉的罗网中。After trying several careers, she found her true métier in computer science.尝试过几种工作之后,她发现自己真正擅长的是计算机科学。The teacher was not very pleased when he found a dead mouse on his desk.老师发现自己的办公桌上有只死老鼠,很是恼火。Later that evening I found myself back at Jason's flat.那天晚上晚些时候,我发现自己回到了贾森的公寓。Yet, as often as not, they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise.然而,他们发现自己往往不是被赞扬而是遭刁难。American troops found themselves fighting a guerrilla war.美军发现自己是在打游击战。She found herself bound hand and foot.发现自己的手脚都给绑上了。To my horror, I realised my shirt was wet with blood.发现自己的衬衫被鲜血沾湿,我大为惊恐。Models find themselves wearing sexually provocative clothing.模特们发现自己的穿着妖冶撩人。He finds himself politically enfeebled.发现自己的政治势力变得衰弱。He was totally amazed that he'd misinterpreted the situation so completely.他十分惊讶地发现自己竟然把情况完全搞错了。When the truth came out, they found themselves in an awful spot. 真相大白时,他们发现自己的处境十分狼狈。He found himself homeless after his marriage broke up.婚姻破裂后他发现自己已经无家可归了。He gave his work to his friend to revise, because he found it hard to see his own mistakes.他把他的作品交给朋友审订,因为他觉得很难发现自己的错误。He was shocked to find his veracity questioned.发现自己的诚信受到了质疑,他很震惊。When the company ran into financial trouble, it was the accountant who found herself in the hot seat.这家公司陷入财政困难时,公司女会计发现自己有麻烦了。Today the school finds itself in the midst of a very public debate.现在这所学校发现自己正处于公开争论的中心。As often as not, they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise.他们发现自己往往是被刁难而非被表扬的对象。You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever.你当然可以想方设法摆脱,但最后你会发现自己还是像以前一样拼命抽烟。He found himself partnering Peter at bridge.发现自己与彼得搭档打桥牌。He never found out he'd bought a dud.他根本没有发现自己买了个假货。He found himself in a vast stagnant bog.发现自己陷在一大片死水泥沼里。It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。If you follow the signs you find yourself going around in a circle.如果按照路标走,你会发现自己不过是在转圈。She found herself with child. 发现自己怀孕了。Philip found himself in a large playground surrounded by high brick walls.菲利普发现自己来到了一个大操场上,周围是用砖砌起的高墙。When their business failed, they found themselves up to their necks in debt.生意失败后,他们发现自己已债台高筑。She found her glasses lying on the settee.发现自己的眼镜搁在长椅上。They often find they begin to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们发现自己常常是为了打发飞行途中的无聊才开始聊天。He found himself in the thick of the action.发现自己忙得不可开交。What would you miss most if you found yourself marooned on a desert island?如果你发现自己被困于荒岛,你最想念的会是什么?She discovered architecture as her true vocation while in college.上大学时,她发现自己真正想从事的是建筑行业。When she had twins, she discovered reserves of strength that she didn't know she had.有了双胞胎之后,她发现自己拥有此前根本没意识到的潜能。He finds himself faced with a whole new ball game.发现自己面临着截然不同的局面。When Marlette regained consciousness, he found himself lying on a cold, hard concrete floor.马利特恢复知觉后,发现自己正躺在冰冷坚硬的水泥地板上。This clothes designer finds herself at the centre of a fashion revolution.这位服装女设计师发现自己处于服装款式改革的中心。The whingeing illegal was disappointed when he found he could not scrounge off the state.发现自己不能向国家白要时,那个絮絮叨叨抱怨的非法移民很失望。Since he and his girlfriend broke up, he's been finding it difficult to move on.自从他与女朋友分手后,他发现自己很难接受现实开始新的生活。Minority groups find themselves in a disadvantageous position.少数派发现自己处于不利地位。I found myself having more fun than I had had in years.发现自己这些年来从未像现在这样开心过。




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