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词汇 满地
例句 He clucks in disapproval.他不满地咂咂嘴。Clothes were strewn all over the bedroom floor.卧室里满地都是衣服。She always leaves her things all over the floor.她总是把她的东西摊得满地都是。I sat in my sunny doorway, rapt in a reverie.我坐在我家满地阳光的门口处,出神冥想。The road became rocky and steep.这条路渐渐变得满地岩石而且陡峭。Scraps of wrapping paper were scattered around.包装纸的碎片扔得满地都是。Broken cups lay here, there and everywhere, over the floor.打破的杯子满地都是。The children's things are always lying around on the floor.孩子们的东西老是扔得满地都是。He grunted in discontent.他不满地哼了一声。The children sent all their toys flying.孩子们把玩具扔得满地都是。She had a small, mean mouth that curled disapprovingly each time her husband wrote something in his diary.她有张刁钻刻薄的小嘴,每次丈夫写日记时就不满地撇起来。Why do you insist on leaving your dirty clothes all over the floor?你为什么总把脏衣服弄得满地都是?Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves.绵羊边吃边走,从满地的黄色落叶中穿过。Laura spoke in an undertone to Tarquin, who snorted and puffed.劳拉低声跟塔尔坎讲着话,后者则不满地哼哼了几句。Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.屋内凌乱不堪:抽屉都掉落出来,鞋靴东一只西一只满地都是。It was uncomfortable walking barefoot on the shingly beach.赤脚走在满地砾石的海滩上让人很不舒服。She threw him a look of active dislike.她极为不满地瞥了他一眼。She shot me a reproachful pout.她不满地朝我噘了噘嘴。The other people in the queue were moaning and groaning.排队的其他人在不满地抱怨着。She hissed at me to be quiet.她不满地发嘘声叫我安静。The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food, and strew the contents all over the ground.浣熊弄翻垃圾箱找吃的,把垃圾弄得满地都是。Oh no, the sink is overflowing all over the floor.啊呀,糟了,水槽满了,水流得满地都是。When we took the plug out the kitchen flooded.我们拔出塞子的时候,厨房里已经满地是水了。After the storm, the ground was littered with twigs and branches.暴风雨过后,满地都是枝丫。The forest floor was a carpet of wild flowers.森林里满地野花。John gave me a disapproving look when I suggested another drink.我提议再喝一杯时,约翰不满地看了我一眼。




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