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词汇 come through
例句 It's been a tough time, but I'm sure you'll come through and be all the wiser for it.这确实是个困难的时刻,但我相信你能够安然度过并吸取教训。The country had come through the worst of the recession.该国已经度过了经济衰退最糟糕的时期。We can come through any crisis if we hang together.我们如果团结一致,便能渡过任何危机。The morning mist had lifted and the sun was starting to come through.晨雾已经散去,太阳开始放出光芒。The major portion of fresh investment is expected to come through internal accruals.预计新投资主要来自于内部的增长。The country had come through the worst of the recession.这个国家熬过了经济衰退最严重的时期。His personality comes through in his writing.他的个性体现在他所写的文章中。 I felt elated just to have come through alive.平安脱险了,我激动万分。We're still waiting for approval of our loan application to come through.我们仍在等待我们的贷款申请获批。It's been a very upsetting time but we've come through it together.那是一段很难熬的日子,但我们一起挺过来了。He's too old to come through a fall like that.他年纪太大,经不起那么摔一跤。If you ask him for a loan, he'll come through.如果你向他贷款,他会满足你的要求的。He is known for his ability to come through in the clutch.他以能在比赛关键时刻克服困难而为人所知。How did you manage to come through the Second World War without even a scratch?你怎么经历了第二次世界大战还会安然无恙呢?He was waiting for his divorce papers to come through.他在等待他的离婚文件送达。We had come through a helluva period.我们度过了一段极艰苦的日子。We can't start on the building work until planning permission comes through.要取得建筑许可证我们才可以开工。Have the test results come through yet?测试结果出来了吗?The city had faced a financial crisis and come through it.该市曾面临金融危机,不过已经安然渡过。Lisa's voice comes through loud and clear.丽莎的声音清楚地传过来。Huge volumes of park visitors come through every weekend.每到周末公园的客流量都很大。He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.如果他不履行改革承诺,就会使他所领导的政府面临危险。If he comes through the operation OK he should be back to normal within a month.如果他能度过手术这一关的话,他一个月内应该可以恢复。Some children come through their parents’ divorcing better than others.面对父母离异,有的孩子能坚强承受下来,有的孩子就不行。This has tested our marriage, and we have come through it stronger than ever.这是对我们婚姻的考验,我们经受住了考验而且关系比以往任何时候都更稳固了。We're still waiting for our exam results to come through.我们仍在等待考试成绩公布。We have come through the struggle stronger and more united than we were before.我们成功地经历了斗争的洗礼,比以前更强大、更团结。He is waiting for the divorce to come through before he remarries.他在等待顺利离婚,然后再婚。He always calls me when he comes through Paris.他每次经过巴黎总是给我打电话。If we can come through this crisis, the company's future looks bright.如果我们能渡过这次危机,公司将会有光明的前途。He has come through the operation very well.他手术后情况很好。The city had faced racial crisis and come through it.该市曾面临种族危机,不过已经安然渡过。Your table is ready, ladies, if you'd care to come through.你们的桌位已经准备好了,女士们,请跟我来。Whatever the vicissitudes of her past life, Jill now seems to have come through.不管过去经历了什么坎坷,吉尔现在似乎都已经挺过来了。The job offer still hasn't come through.工作录用函还没有寄来。Her dress was torn to ribbons by the thorns she had come through.她的衣服在她穿过荆棘丛时被撕破了。His ability did not come through when we were talking with him.我们和他交谈时,他的才能并没有显露出来。You will come through any crisis if you hang tough.只要你坚持不懈,你就能渡过任何难关。I'm still waiting for my divorce to come through.我还在等待离婚获批准。We've had some hard times, but we've come through.我们经历了一些艰难的岁月,不过我们挺过来了。




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