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词汇 throwing
例句 The boys were caught throwing stones at passing trains.那些男孩子向过路的火车扔石头,被逮住了。It is most excruciating to see your beloved throwing herself into the arms of another man.看见你的至爱投向别的男人的怀抱是件极痛苦的事。To underline their disgust, the crowd started throwing bottles at the stage.为了宣泄他们的厌恶,观众们开始朝舞台上扔瓶子。Roberts covered his tracks by throwing the knife in the river.罗伯茨把刀扔进河里以图掩盖痕迹。She would do nothing for days then spring into action and spend a day throwing out all the garbage, cleaning the bathroom, and dusting.她会一连好几天什么都不做,然后突然行动起来,花一整天时间扔掉所有的垃圾,清洁浴室,抹去灰尘。The tractor swayed from side to side, almost throwing me out of my seat.拖拉机左右摇晃,差一点把我抛出座位。Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven't had for a generation.如果不能成功解决赤字问题,我们将错过等了一代人才等来的机会。I'm not going to have him throwing his weight about with me.我可不会让他对我滥用权势。I feel terrible - I've been throwing up all night!我很不舒服,整整吐了一个晚上。You decide who's going to start by throwing the dice.通过掷骰子来决定谁先开始。The president is throwing his full weight behind the proposal.主席正在借助自己所有的影响支持这项提议。The lifeboat capsized, throwing the occupants into the water.救生艇倾覆,艇里的人被掀入水中。The rope whipped clear of the water, throwing up a spray of droplets.绳子猛地甩过水面,带起一片水珠。He has a weak throwing arm.他投球的手臂没有力量。We won't solve this problem by throwing money at it.我们不会为解决这一问题投入大量资金。The football supporters began throwing missiles, one of which hit the referee.足球迷们开始扔东西,其中还砸到了裁判一次。Lobbyists are throwing their weight/influence behind the legislation. 说客正在施加影响以支持这一法案。People were booing and throwing things at them.人们向他们喝倒彩、掷东西。He jinked left, then right, throwing the plane into steep and sudden turns.他突然向左转,然后向右转,使飞机猛地陡直旋转起来。I'm going through my wardrobe and throwing out all the clothes I don't wear any more.我要把衣柜彻底清理一下,把不穿的衣服都找出来扔掉。The administration is throwing its full weight behind the U.N. plan.政府对这项联合国计划鼎力相助。He pulled himself together, as always, by throwing himself back into his work.他和往常一样,重新投入工作使自己振作了起来。He didn't really know very much about javelin throwing.他其实不怎么会投标枪。I realised early on there was no point in throwing your weight around. You had to persuade people to do things.我早就意识到没必要摆架子,你得说服别人去做事才行。The boys were throwing and catching a frisbee on the beach.男孩子们在海滩上玩掷接飞盘。The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it.那匹马尥了个蹶子,把骑手掀下马,还撞倒了旁边站着的一个小伙子。The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs.警方面对的是一伙投掷砖头和汽油弹的暴民。Further heavy intervention would be throwing good money after bad.进一步加大干预的力度只会是继续白扔钱。Keith's had a particularly nasty form of the illness - he's even been throwing up with it.基思得的那种病症状特别严重—他甚至还呕吐。The infielders warmed up by throwing the ball around the diamond.内野手在内野传球,做热身运动。We don't know if it's worth throwing good money after bad and taking legal action.我们不知道继续砸钱采取法律行动是否值得。Georgia had taken pills to settle her stomach, but she was still throwing up every hour.乔治娅已经吃了药想缓解胃部的不适,但还是每小时就吐一次。They are now throwing their support to the other candidate.他们现在正向其他候选人施以援手。He jammed on the brakes, throwing the passengers forward.他猛地刹车,乘客们都向前摔去。Suddenly throwing back his head, he started laughing.他突然仰头大笑了起来。Dad's office mates are throwing a party for him.爸爸的同事要为他搞个晚会。Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up.乔治娅俯身在脸盆上呕吐。He got into a terrible temper and started throwing things around.他大发脾气,开始乱扔东西。The party leadership is throwing its weight behind the campaign.该党的领导层鼎力支持这项活动。Providing better education is not simply a matter of throwing money at it.提供更好的教育不只是花大钱就能办到的事。




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