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词汇 有违
例句 It's against safety regulations to leave these doors open.开着这些门有违安全条例。Making an unauthorized copy of the article infringes copyright.未经许可复印这篇文章有违版权。He tried to live on as a writer, but in the end he had to sell his soul and work for an advertising company.他想以写作为生,但结果不得不有违初衷为一家广告公司干活。In those days, people believed that divorce was morally wrong, but this now seems very old-fashioned.那个时候,人们认为离婚是有违道德的,但现在这种想法似乎很过时了。They were acting against tradition. 他们在以有违传统的方式行事。The business community regarded the measures as a betrayal of election promises.商界认为这些措施有违竞选承诺。It was abhorrent to common sense.此举有违常识。She can't eat pork. It's against her religion.她不能吃猪肉,这有违于她的宗教。The jury's verdict was a negation of justice. 陪审团的裁决有违公正。Stealing would go against his core beliefs. 偷窃有违他的基本原则。Such dishonesty goes against the grain.如此的不诚实有违个人的本性。Her involvement in the case was ethically wrong.她参与了此事,有违道德。His behavior was unprofessional and insubordinate.他的行为桀骜不驯,有违职业道德。Some doctors feel that this procedure is not medically ethical.一些医生认为这种手术有违医德。He does nothing that would run against his moral principles.他不做任何有违自己道德原则的事。Taylor announced another departure from practice, in that England will train at Wembley.泰勒又宣布了一项有违惯例的决定:英格兰队将在温布利球场训练。Brown spoke out against what he considered the unnatural lifestyles of unmarried couples who live together.布朗公开反对未婚同居,他认为这种生活方式有违常规。




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