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词汇 engage in
例句 He has rolled up a huge fortune since he engaged in trade.他自从经商以来已积累了很大一笔财产。Before each debate, he is expected to engage in mock debate.在每次正式辩论前,他得先参加演习性的辩论。They are engaged in purposive activity.他们在从事有意义的活动。He likes to engage in online chats/discussions.他喜欢参与在线聊天/讨论。He is engaged in scientific pursuit.他从事科学研究。The government engaged in mass expulsions.政府大规模驱逐外国人。The two friends engaged in conversation.两位朋友进行了交谈。The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct.委员会断定参议员们从事了不正当的活动。They found the three engaged in target practice.他们发现那三个人在练习打靶。The birds were engaged in some curious behavior.这些鸟表现出了某些奇特的行为模式。Rival groups have engaged in a war of words over the new law.对立集团之间围绕这项新法律展开了口水战。He had been engaged in emissary activities before he was discovered.在被发现以前他一直从事间谍活动。Commentators see increasingly blurred boundaries between firms engaged in such collaborative relations.评论员看到,处于这种协作关系的各家公司之间的界限越来越模糊。He likes to engage in lively discourse with his visitors.他喜欢与来访者进行轻松的交谈。She is now engaged in writing letters.她现在正忙著写信。U.S. Marines were engaged in a firefight with local gunmen this morning.美国海军陆战队员与当地持枪歹徒今天上午交了火。I was engaged in the delicate task of clipping the dog's claws.我那时做的是修剪狗爪这种精细的工作。I have never engaged in the drug trade.我从未参与毒品交易。During dinner I found myself engaged in a long complicated discussion with the doctor's wife.晚饭时候,我不知不觉地跟医生的妻子就一些复杂的问题谈了很长时间。Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.候选人应该参加严肃的政治对话。They engage in the study of music.他们从事音乐研究。She engages in friendly banter with her customers.她常和顾客开善意的玩笑。We had expected the candidates to criticize each other, but instead they engaged in mutual backslapping.我们原以为候选人会互相指责,但没想到他们却互相吹捧起来。He is still engaged in a bitter fight with his old company.他仍在同他原来的公司进行激烈的斗争。Rescuers were engaged in a frantic all-night effort to reach the survivors before their supply of air ran out.救援人员整个晚上都在全力奋战,要在幸存者空气耗尽之前找到他们。They are engaged in a battle for the presidency. 他们加入到总统的选战当中。Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation's zoos.动物权利保护者和该国多家动物园展开了越来越激烈的论战。Many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief.许多电影要求观众自觉自愿将不信任暂时撇开。Miss Peabody was engaged in typing the appropriate notes.皮博迪小姐正忙着输入恰当的注释。He once engaged in anti-government activity.他一度从事反政府的活动。The company is engaged in an epic struggle for survival.这家公司正投身于一场艰苦的生存之战。Democrats and Republicans are engaged in a contest for control of the House of Representatives.民主党和共和党正在争夺众议院的控制权。The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country.圭亚那国防军正采取行动驱逐在本国作业的非法巴西矿工。The soldiers were engaged in a military operation close to the Ugandan border.这些士兵参加了乌干达边境附近的一次军事行动。We don't engage in that sort of behavior.我们不会有那样的行为。We are engaged in a legal tussle with a large pharmaceutical company.我们正同一家大制药公司闹法律纠纷。She is engaged in the study of law. 她正在学习法律。Some of those books engage in nearly incredible falsification of the facts about the experiments.其中有些书对实验事实作出几乎令人难以置信的篡改。Railroads, trucks, bus lines, and airlines are all engaged in transportation.铁路、卡车、公共汽车和航空公司都从事客货运输。They engaged in secret negotiations with the enemy.他们和敌人进行了秘密谈判。




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