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词汇 有望
例句 His son, Arthur Ochs Junior, is expected to succeed him as publisher.他的儿子,小阿瑟·奥克斯,有望子承父业继续从事出版。Pfeiffer was expected to be cast alongside Douglas in Basic Instinct.菲佛有望和道格拉斯一起出演《本能》中的角色。The committee is expected to recommend approval of the new drug.委员会有望建议批准这种新药。The pound is expected to continue to increase against most other currencies.英镑对大多数其他货币的汇率有望继续升高。Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.利率有望早日下调,从而增强了人们的信心。Doctors could now count on a regular salary.现在医生们有望获得一份稳定的工资。At last, an end to the tortuous negotiations was in sight.最终,一波三折的谈判有望快要结束了。American companies were salivating at the juicy contracts for rebuilding Kuwait that were likely to come their way.重建科威特的合同利润丰厚,对于他们有望分得的那一杯羹,美国各公司都垂涎欲滴。The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momentarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.参议院司法委员会有望很快就提名他进入最高法院进行投票。The company is expected to roll out several new products next year.该公司有望在明年推出几款新产品。Most investments are still expected to appreciate at a steady rate.大多数投资仍有望稳步增值。The actress is tipped to win an Oscar for her performance.这位女演员因表演出色而被认为有望获得奥斯卡奖。The President is expected to include this idea in his education plan.总统有望能将这一想法列入他的教育计划中去。This raised hopes for a breakthrough in Mideast peacemaking.这让人们觉得中东冲突的调停有望取得突破。Income is expected to exceed expenditure.收入有望超过支出。She is expected to make a full recovery.有望完全康复。Radical eye surgery promises to cure short-sightedness.彻底的眼部手术有望治愈近视。Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate.罗伯逊先生将会是有望胜出的候选人。She is a safe bet to win the tournament. 有望赢得这次比赛的冠军。The rifle has a telescopic sight.这种步枪装有望远瞄准器。The city is expected to fall within days.这座城市有望在数天内被攻克。The new version is expected to be released shortly.新版本有望不久发布。It is expected the full-scale search will resume today.有望今日恢复全面调查。A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected.一项旨在帮助长期失业者的新的培训计划有望出台。Smith had been in the running for the job some time before Brown resigned.史密斯有望在布朗退休前一段时间得到那份工作。Hopefully a satisfactory solution can be reached without much blood letting.有望在不引起严重内讧的情况下达成一个满意的解决方案。Organic food seems to hold out the promise of healthy living.看来有机食品有望实现健康生活的承诺。The prospect of working in Australia really excites me.有望在澳大利亚工作确实使我很激动。Hopefully, this will give them something new to concentrate and focus on. Everyone would say amen to that.有望成为他们关注的新焦点。大家对此都会赞同。The lottery is expected to generate substantial funds for charities.彩票发行有望为慈善事业筹集到大笔资金。The team's excellent defense set them up to score the winning touchdown.这支球队的出色防守使他们有望取得制胜的达阵得分。Prices are expected to flatten after the holiday shopping season.假日购物季之后,价格有望降低到一定水平。The series is likely to be screened in January.这部连续剧有望在一月份播出。The People's Front expect to pick up a lot more votes in this year's elections.人民阵线在今年大选中获得的选票有望大幅增加。He knew he was in with a shout of making Craig Brown's squad for Japan.他明白自己有望为日本建成克雷格·布朗之队。Tomkins is back to match fitness and is expected to play in the final.汤姆金斯恢复了比赛状态,有望参加决赛。He was in contention for a place in the European championship squad.有望在欧洲锦标赛代表队中获得一席之地。The jury is expected to deliver a verdict later today.陪审团有望在今天晚些时候宣布裁决。The potential high flyers of the diplomatic service usually join as administrative trainees.有望在外交事业上展翅高飞的人一般总是先从行政事务的实习生做起。Hopefully, I'll be back home by ten o'clock.有望十点前回到家。




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