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词汇 画廊
例句 Visitors packed the gallery.参观者挤满了画廊His work was last shown at the Peter Nathan gallery in Zurich.他的作品最后一次展出是在苏黎世的彼得·内森画廊The gallery is currently exhibiting nine bronze statues loaned by the Victoria and Albert Museum.画廊里目前正在展出由维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆所借的九尊铜像。The gallery is showing the work of abstract painters.画廊正在展出抽象派画家的作品。The gallery has mounted an exhibition of art by Irish women painters.画廊已举办了一场爱尔兰女画家的作品展。This painting is the jewel in our gallery.这幅画作是本画廊的珍品。In his leisure time he visits museums and art galleries.他业余时间会去参观博物馆和画廊Thieves broke into the gallery and made off with paintings valued at over $2 million.窃贼闯入画廊,盗走了价值二百多万美元的画作。Visitors crowded the gallery.参观者挤满了画廊The gallery has an excellent collection of Impressionist works by, among others, Manet and Renoir.画廊收藏有一些优秀的印象派作品,其中包括马奈和雷诺阿等人的作品。The painting was sold to an art gallery in Philadelphia.这幅画卖给了费城的一家画廊He has some fanciful notion about converting one room of his apartment into a gallery.他幻想把他公寓的一间房间改成画廊She will be exhibiting her paintings in a new one-woman show at a local art gallery.她会在当地画廊作单人展览。The gallery owner applauded the efforts of firefighters to save the exhibits.画廊主人赞扬了消防队员为挽救展品所付出的努力。Laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.劳拉在一家时尚画廊找到了份美差。The maverick gallerist Steve Lazarides represents urban artists including Banksy.斯蒂夫·拉扎莱德斯是一名不拘一格的画廊经营者,他代理班克西等都市画家。The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes.这个最大的画廊中心是一组名为《我的愿望》的摄影作品。The gallery is holding three concurrent exhibitions.画廊正在同时举行三个展览。We zoomed through the gallery.我们在画廊飞快地转了一圈。Most of the gallery's contents were damaged in the fire.画廊里的大多数东西都在大火中烧毁了。Each artist in the gallery has discretion over the price that will be charged for his or her work.画廊里的每个艺术家对自己的作品卖多少钱都有自主决定权。The gallery in north London used to be a warehouse.伦敦北部的这家画廊过去是个仓库。We could do the rounds of the galleries.咱们可以逐个参观这些画廊I want to take you to see some of the edgy galleries that just opened in our community.我想带你去看看社区里新开的一些前卫的画廊The gallery deals mostly in paintings but they do sometimes sell photographs.这家画廊主要经营画作,但有时也卖一些摄影作品。Along with scores of other advertising creatives, he will be taking part in an exhibition at the Saatchi gallery.他将和许多广告创意人员一起参加在萨奇画廊举行的画展。All our galleries are very light.我们所有的画廊都很亮。He found Jill in the gallery shop silently browsing through some books.他发现吉尔在画廊里,默默地翻着一些书。Local artists are currently exhibiting their work at the gallery.当地的艺术家正在画廊展出他们的作品。Her recent sculptures are being shown at the Hayward Gallery.她最近的雕塑作品正在海沃德画廊展出。She set up the gallery so that up-and-coming artists could exhibit their work.她创建这家画廊,为的是有前途的艺术家能在此展出他们的作品。There will be an exhibition of his most recent work at the Tate Gallery, starting this Saturday.本周六起,泰特画廊将展出他最新的作品。We visited a few galleries while we were in Prague.我们在布拉格时参观了几家画廊The gallery closed down for want of funding.那家画廊由于缺少资金关闭了。The gallery was full of art collectors and dealers.画廊里全是艺术品收藏家和画商。A new generation of artists is beginning to take its place on the gallery walls.新一代画家的作品在画廊壁上展出,开始有了自己的地位。The exhibition takes up most of the available space in the gallery.展览占用了画廊大部分的可用空间。People drifted in and out of the gallery at random all evening.人们整晚都从画廊随意进进出出。The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes.最大的画廊在中心位置展出了一组名为《我的心愿》的摄影作品。Dale is showing some of his work in one of the galleries downtown.戴尔要在城里的一家画廊展出他的部分作品。




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