例句 |
Most upright, law-abiding citizens have very little contact with the police.大多数诚实、守法的公民很少跟警方有接触。All the patients known to have been in contact with the virus were immediately isolated.所有被确认与该病毒有接触的病人都被立即隔离。Back then, I was rubbing shoulders with all the celebrities in Las Vegas.在那个时候,我与拉斯维加斯所有的知名人物都有接触。The government has ceased all contact with the rebels.政府已经停止了和叛乱分子的所有接触。She has a security clearance that allows her to see the classified information.她有接触机密的官方许可,可以看这些机密信息。The only contact she has is with the woman who lives opposite.她唯一有接触的是住在对面的那个女人。 |