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词汇 animated
例句 Computer-animated cartoons that depict humans realistically seem to defeat the whole purpose of animation.逼真刻画人类的电脑动画似乎破坏了动画的全部目的。Stephan's animated eyes widened at the mention of Patricia.提到帕特里夏,斯蒂芬就睁大了一双生动的眼睛。It's the best traditionally animated movie since Beauty and the Beast.那是自《美女与野兽》一片以来用传统手法拍摄的最好的动画片。Her words animated us to greater efforts.她的话激励我们做出更大努力。It’s not always easy as you might think to tell the difference between live action and an animated film.区分实景真人电影和动画制作电影可能并不总如想象般那么容易。They must have been having an interesting conversation - they both looked very animated.他们一定是在进行什么有趣的谈话,两人看上去都兴致勃勃的。The film's very realistic dinosaurs were animated on computers.电影里逼真的恐龙是通过电脑动画制作的。Many movies for kids are animated rather than live-action.许多儿童影片都是动画制作的,而非真人表演。Laughter animated his face for a moment.笑使他的面孔一时有了生气。A smile animated his face.微笑使他容光焕发。Mike tends to be more animated in the presence of women.迈克在女性面前往往很活跃。She gave an animated description of the project.她对这个项目进行了生动的描述。A group of young people were engrossed in an animated discussion.一群年轻人沉浸在热烈的讨论中。All his life the great man was animated by love of his country.这个伟人一生的作为都是受了爱国心的驱使。When I arrived, Diana was already in animated conversation with Mr Summers.我到达的时候,黛安娜已经在跟萨默斯先生兴高采烈地交谈了。Could this be the first animated movie to win a best picture award?这会是第一部赢得最佳电影奖的动画片吗?After dinner, the discussion got more animated.饭后,讨论越来越热烈了。Everyone became more animated.每个人都变得更加活泼热情。A sparkle in his eyes animated his face whenever he smiled.他一笑起来,眼睛就亮晶晶的,一时脸上也增添了生气。The boy was so bright and animated.这个男孩活泼开朗,充满活力。The debate progressed, becoming more animated.辩论继续进行,场面变得更活跃了。As he talked about her, his face became animated.他谈到她时,脸上的表情就生动起来。There was an extremely animated discussion on the subject.这个话题引起了极其热烈的讨论。She was seen in animated conversation with the singer Yuri Marusin.有人看见她与歌手尤里·马鲁辛交谈甚欢。As the evening went on she became quite animated, talking and laughing with the other girls.那天晚上她渐渐地兴致越来越高,和其他女孩子又说又笑。He became more animated as he described the project.他谈起那个项目就眉飞色舞。Disney has returned to what it does best: making full-length animated feature films.迪士尼又回到了它最擅长的领域:制作动画故事长片。Her hand movements are becoming more animated.她双手舞动得越发欢快了。The performance was followed by an animated discussion.演出过后是热烈的讨论。If an animated film was nominated as best picture, it would be a first.如果动画影片被提名为最佳影片,那将是第一次。Peter was engaged in an animated conversation at the bar.彼得在酒吧里和别人正谈得起劲。He had a mobile, expressive, animated face.他有一张多变的,富于表情的,生动活泼的脸。An expression of amusement animated their faces.一抹笑容让他们脸上有了生气。His cheerful words animated them to greater efforts.他那令人振奋的话激励他们作出更大努力。The two Americans were having an animated discussion about basketball.那两个美国人正在热烈地讨论篮球。The short animated movie is a good lead-in to the feature film.这部动画短片是那部故事片的好引子。We watched an animated cartoon.我们观看了一部卡通片。She was seen in animated conversation with the singer.有人看见她和那个歌手交谈甚欢。The boy talked in an animated way about his trip to the jungle.那男孩绘声绘色地谈著他的热带丛林之行。The president's eloquent speech got people animated and excited.总统能言善辩的演说使人们感到鼓舞兴奋。




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