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词汇 行动
例句 The arrests cast new light on Ms. Kwon's allegations.一系列的逮捕行动让人们对权女士的指控有了新的认识。How can anyone blame her for actions for which she feels herself to be in no way responsible?她认为自己对这些行动不负有责任,别人怎么还能因此而责备她呢?He did not hesitate to take action.他毫不犹豫地采取了行动Soldiers loyal to the President led the counterrevolution.效忠总统的军人领导了这场反革命行动The operation has uncovered such backstreet dealing in stolen property that police might now press for changes in the law.这次行动破获了这样的地下销赃活动,现在警方可能会因此敦促修改法律。But still his grandfather behaved as if he were nothing more substantial than a phantom.但他祖父的行动依旧像影子那样捉摸不定。They say they want peace, but actions speak louder than words.他们说自己希望和平,但是行动胜于言辞。The terrorists acted in complete/total disregard of human life.恐怖分子的行动毫不在乎人的生命。As a teenager, he was involved in a raid against a village of Omaha Indians.他在十几岁的时候参与过一次行动,袭击了奥马哈印第安人的一个村落。The President had to resign over an illegal phone-tapping operation.因为一次非法电话窃听行动,总统只好辞职。They're planning a big promotion for their new washing powder.他们正筹划举办一次新款式洗衣粉的大促销行动Other actions we need to take may be more difficult, and we may have to build up to them gradually.我们需要采取的其他行动可能会更加困难,我们将不得不逐步做准备。The enemy are completely psyched out by this unorthodox move.敌人被这违反章法的异常行动弄得惊慌失措。The black mud fettered her movements.黑色的稀泥限制了她的行动The Government instituted a massive exercise in social control.政府发起了大规模的社会管控行动Undercover operations led to the arrest of the gang.警方的卧底行动使这一团伙的成员悉数落网。Police attempts to infiltrate neo-Nazi groups have been largely unsuccessful.警方潜入新纳粹组织的行动基本上没有成功。The media's efforts often focus public attention on government incompetence, forcing government to do the right thing.媒体往往努力把公众的注意力集中到政府的无能上,从而迫使政府采取正确的行动The needs of these children were dramatically highlighted by the Action Group.行动组令人印象深刻地凸显出这些孩子的各种需要。Officials are not planning any drastic action.官员们并未计划进行任何大刀阔斧的行动He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do.然而,他对美军实际可能采取的行动却闪烁其词。Such unilateral action violates international trade rules.这种单方面的行动违反国际贸易规定。Your actions witness your guilt.你的行动足以证明你有罪。Despite this accumulation of evidence, the government persisted in doing nothing.尽管种种迹象不断出现,政府仍然坚持不采取任何行动My feeling is that we had better act quickly or it will be too late.我的意见是我们最好快点行动,否则就太迟了。The operation was moving along smoothly.那次行动正在顺利进行。A report in the official police newspaper gave no reason for the move.刊登在警方的官方报纸上的一篇报道没有说明此次行动的原因。The new government will make a judgment about its interests and act accordingly.新政府将对其利害得失作出判断,并采取相应的行动President Nixon's staff were instructed to close ranks in response to the Watergate arrests.就针对水门事件的逮捕行动的回应,尼克松总统的幕僚奉命要口径一致。They plotted the attack in retaliation for the attack by federal agents on the camp.他们策划了这次袭击行动以报复联邦探员进攻他们的营地。His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.他的行动伴随着一串冗长含糊的独白。He's very agile for a man of his years.就他这样年龄的人来说,他的行动可算非常敏捷。The book is a call to action.这本书是行动的号召。At that time, a secret branch of the National Police was involved in rooting out dissidents.那个时候,国民警察的一个秘密分支参与了铲除持不同政见者的行动Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.该联盟的每一位成员国都同意采取其认为必要的行动,包括动用武力。Even successful bosses need to be queried about the whys and wherefores of their actions.即使成功的老板也需要接受对其行动缘由的质疑。They launched an AIDS education effort.他们发起了艾滋病教育行动As he rightly pointed out, there is no real evidence that the president acted improperly.正如他正确指出的那样,没有确凿证据能够证明总统的行动有不妥之处。Their actions were motivated in large measure by a desire for revenge.他们的行动在很大程度上是出于复仇的欲望。He sent out a party to spy the enemy.他派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人的行动




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