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词汇 有分歧
例句 I don't believe in the death penalty, so I'm afraid I must part company with you there. 我不支持死刑,所以恐怕在这个问题上我和你的意见有分歧This is basically where we differ.这基本上就是我们有分歧的地方。We are divided as to where to spend our holidays.关于去哪里度假的问题我们意见有分歧The party split over/on the issue of taxes.这个政党在税收问题上意见有分歧Scientific opinion is divided over the health risks.在健康风险问题上科学界意见有分歧We've had our differences in the past, but now it's time to forgive and forget.过去我们有分歧,但现在是尽释前嫌的时候了。We disagree about many things, but I don't hold it/that against you. 我们在很多事情上有分歧,但我不会因此讨厌你。She continued to find herself at odds with the chairman.她不断发现自己与总裁意见有分歧Despite our differences, we were working to a common end.尽管有分歧,可我们致力于一个共同的目标。A compromise must be found which will allow both sides in the dispute to save face.必须找到一种折中的办法,让有分歧的双方都可以保住面子。Historians disagree on the cut-off date for the medieval period.历史学家们在中世纪的结束时间这个问题上有分歧That was the only time we disagreed.那是我们唯一一次意见有分歧Opinions are divided on this issue.关于这一问题的意见有分歧Despite our differences, I have enormous respect for him.虽然我们有分歧,但我仍对他满怀敬意。We disagree on the best way to raise the money.我们在如何以最好的方式集资的问题上有分歧The country's leaders appear to be split on the question of tax cuts.该国的领导人似乎在减税问题上有分歧We agreed about some things, but we disagreed about others.我们在有些事上意见一致,但在其他方面有分歧She disagrees with him on almost every subject.她与他几乎在每个问题上都有分歧We are at variance among ourselves.我们内部有分歧We had a slight difference of opinion over the design.我们对该设计的看法稍有分歧There was disagreement among the agency's board of governors.这个机构的理事会成员之间意见有分歧We are in dispute with the government over wages.我们和政府在工资问题上有分歧Huntley refused to endorse any candidate who did not share his views on gun control.亨特利拒绝支持任何在枪支管制问题上和他意见有分歧的候选人。They differed with each other on religious matters.他们在宗教问题上意见有分歧We disagreed at first but eventually our ideas fused.我们的意见开始时有分歧,但最后取得了一致。Here his views diverged from hers.此处他的看法与她有分歧Scholars disagree about the origin of the word.学者们对此词的起源有分歧The party is split over the issue of immigration.该党在移民问题上意见有分歧The committee was divided over the proposal.委员会在这一提议上意见有分歧To disagree with the party leadership was heresy.与政党领导有分歧就是离经叛道。They disagreed about the price.他们在价格问题上有分歧




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