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例句 Police think the murders are linked.警方认为这些谋杀案互有关联Police suspect that the two murder cases are linked.警察怀疑这两起谋杀案有关联Though the languages are related they share almost/virtually none of the same vocabulary.尽管这些语言有关联,但它们几乎/基本上没有相同的词汇。The mammoth was related to, but distinct from, modern elephants.猛犸象与现代的大象既有关联又有区别。There is nothing to indicate that the two events are connected.没有迹象显示这两件事有关联The police noticed a connection between the murders.警方察觉到这两起谋杀案有关联Dilatation of blood vessels is always associated with increased blood flow and increased blood pressure.血管扩张总是跟血流量增加和血压升高有关联Police are holding two men for questioning in connection with the robbery.警方拘留了同抢劫案有关联的两名男子问话。Pancreatic insufficiency is associated with excess fat in stool.胰功能不全和粪便中脂肪过多有关联These examples suggest that there is a connection between the two processes.这些例子表明这两个过程之间可能有关联Police are linking the availability of alcohol and a recent rise in the number of teenage arrests.警方认为随处买得到的酒和近来青少年被捕人数上升有关联The army have called for a more thorough purge of people associated with the late President.军方已经要求对与前任总统有关联的人员进行更加彻底的清洗。One of the students asked whether there was any correlation between rainfall and temperature.一位学生问道,降雨和温度之间是否有关联They have been associated with violent behaviour for a long time.长久以来他们与暴力行为有关联Their denial was unconvincing in view of the physical evidence linking them to the bombing.有物证显示他们与爆炸有关联,因此他们对事件的否认难以令人信服。High cholesterol is linked to an increased risk of heart attacks.高胆固醇与心脏病发作风险的增加有关联Police suspected a tie-in between the murder and the international narcotics ring.警方怀疑这起谋杀案和国际贩毒集团有关联The prosecution's trump card is the evidence linking the defendant to the murder weapon.控方的王牌是被告与杀人凶器间有关联的证据。We think the two crimes are related in some way.我们认为两起犯罪案件在一定程度上有关联There is nothing to suggest that the two events are connected.没有迹象显示这两个事件有关联The police knew all about his associations with organized crime.警方知道他与有组织犯罪的所有关联This point links in with our earlier discussion.这一点和我们之前的讨论有关联The police were looking for evidence to connect him with the crime.警方正在寻找他与这一犯罪有关联的证据。The judge ruled that the defendant's previous conviction was relevant and could be discussed during the case.法官裁定,被告上次被判罪与此案有关联,可以讨论。He denied reports linking him to Colombian drug dealers.他对报道中称他和哥伦比亚的毒贩有关联予以否认。The drug has been linked with a higher incidence of certain cancers. 这种药与某些癌症的高发率有关联I interrogated everyone even slightly involved.我讯问了每个人,甚至连稍有关联的人都没放过。A cabinet minister came under investigation for links to the Mafia.一位内阁大臣因被怀疑与黑手党有关联而受到调查。In tests, no correlation was found between diet and intelligence.测试未发现饮食与智力之间有关联The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime.研究显示贫穷和犯罪有关联Police are investigating the scene to determine if there are any links with last week's bombing.警方在调查现场,以确定是否与上周的爆炸案有关联Today's lesson tied up with what was taught yesterday.今天的课和昨天讲的有关联The candidate's identification with organized crimes cost him the election.那位候选人因与集团犯罪有关联而落选。There was no evidence of a connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats.没有证据表明疯牛病与最近确诊的猫类脑病有关联The investigators worked meticulously through the evidence for several months, but found no real evidence to connect Murray with the crime.那些调查员几个月来仔细研究了这些证据,但找不出实质性的证据能证明默里与此罪行有关联Aluminium in water is now being linked with premature ageing.现在认为,水中的铝含量和早衰有关联Unemployment is consistently linked with a variety of negative health effects.失业总是与各种各样的负面健康效应有关联Scientific evidence bears out the claim that stress and disease are linked.科学证据证实了压力与疾病有关联的说法。Each part of the course interrelates with all the others.课程的每个部分都与其他所有的部分有关联Most research suggests that health is related to social class.大部分研究都显示健康与社会阶层有关联




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