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They are somewhat alike in their beliefs.他们的信仰有些相似。He doesn't look exactly like his father, but there is some resemblance.他的相貌不完全像其父,但还是有些相似。There are temperamental similarities between the brothers.兄弟俩在性情上有些相似。Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.像这样的海底建造技术很复杂,与尝试在水下建桥有些相似。There is a distant resemblance between the two cousins.这两个堂兄弟略微有些相似。The stems are dark green and glossy, not unlike a young bamboo cane.这些茎是深绿色的,非常光滑,和小竹条有些相似。There might be a likeness between their features, but their eyes were totally dissimilar.他们的相貌也许有些相似,但眼睛却完全不同。It's a bit like salmon.它与鲑鱼有些相似。 |