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词汇 月初
例句 When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action.她在八月初联系我寻求帮助时,我和莎伦便立即行动起来。The world's number one tennis player and his coach parted company earlier this month.世界头号网球选手和他的教练本月初分道扬镳了。Could we meet earlier in the month?我们可否在月初见面?The terminal examinations will be held in early May.期终考试将在五月初举行。I'm paid at the beginning of each month.每月月初给我发工资。It was a warmish day for early May.在五月初这天气算是相当暖和的。Banking regulators failed to clamp down until earlier this month.银行监管机构直到本月初才开始严格管制。Building at the site was halted after human remains were unearthed earlier this month.自从本月初在工地挖出人类遗骸之后,施工就停止了。This is seen as a reward for the army's loyalty during a barracks revolt earlier this month.此举被视为是对在本月初一场军营叛变中表现忠心不贰的军队的奖赏。The rental will be prorated if occupancy does not begin on the first day of the month.如果房客不是月初入住的话,租金将按比例计算。They throng the beaches between late June and early August.他们于六月末到八月初群集在海滩上。




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