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词汇 月内
例句 Marina has been in a coma for the past four months.玛丽娜在过去四个月内一直处于昏迷状态。Economists are looking for the economy to improve in the next few months.经济学家期待今后几个月内经济形势会有所好转。By law, the purchase must be completed within a month after the contracts are signed.法律规定,购买程序必须在合同签署后一个月内完成。The government faces some difficult decisions in the months which lie ahead.政府在未来的几个月内要面临一些艰难的抉择。Heavy rain has flooded the sports field: all fixtures have been cancelled for a month.大雨淹没了运动场,一个月内所有定好的体育比赛都取消了。A trainee with normal aptitude can learn these techniques in a few months.具有正常能力的受训者能在几个月内学会这些技术。Within a month she had settled into a moderate exercise regimen.她在一个月内就适应了中等强度的运动治疗。You're given three months to pay before being disconnected.请在三个月内付账,期满未付将停止服务。The job must be finished within a month at the very outside.这项工作最迟必须在一个月内完成。Our city authorities are resolved that the new school will be built within six months.我市市政府决心要在六个月内建成那所新学校。Peace it seemed might at last be no more than a few months away.看起来,几个月内也许会最终实现和平。It is the second airline in two months to file for bankruptcy.这是两个月内第二家申请破产的航空公司。If the money is not claimed within six months, it will be forfeited to the town. 如果这笔钱六个月内无人认领,将会充公给镇里。He undertook to pay the money back in six months.他保证六个月内还款。The crisis faced over the next few months is of an entirely different scale.接下来几个月内将要面临的危机规模将是无法相比的。If the money is not claimed within six months, it will be forfeit to the town. 如果这笔钱在六个月内无人认领,将会充公给镇里。Some psychic charlatan convinced her she was going to die in six months.有个假充有通灵术的骗子使她相信自己将于六个月内死去。When Jim first started school, he didn't do well, but he's forged ahead in the past couple of months.吉姆刚上学时,成绩不好,但是他在过去几个月内已迎头赶上了。The plan will be put into place over the course of several months.这项计划将在几个月内启动。All tickets are valid for two months.所有的票在两个月内有效。He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months.他告诉守候着的记者,他认为几个月内不会举行全民公决。The rainfall was measured over a three-month period.对三个月内的降雨量进行了测量。They are forecasting that the recession will end in the next few months.它们正在预测这次衰退将在接下来的几个月内结束。This candidate promises to solve all the country's financial problems in six months. Chance would be a fine thing! 候选人承诺六个月内解决国家所有的财政问题。要是真能这样就好啦!The builders say they'll be finished in three months, but I think it'll be more like six.建筑商说他们会在三个月内完工,但是我认为六个月的可能性更大。It was so painful to see how frail she had become in just a few months.看到她在仅仅几个月内就变得那么瘦弱,真令人痛心。The contract binds me to complete the work within two months.这合同使我必须在两个月内完成这项工作。It happened three times in the space of five months.这事在五个月内发生了三次。If he comes through the operation OK he should be back to normal within a month.如果他能度过手术这一关的话,他一个月内应该可以恢复。The band completed a whirlwind tour of North America in two months.这支乐队在两个月内完成了在北美的旋风式巡回演出。Under the provisions of the contract, the work must be completed in two months.根据合同条款,这项工作必须在两个月内完成。A new PA system should be in place in the next three to six months.一套新的公共广播音响系统在此后三到六个月内应该可以配备就绪。The tenant received two months' notice to quit.房客接到两个月内迁走的通知。My reading of the situation is that this conflict is likely to get worse over the next few months.对于这一局势,我的看法是今后几个月内这场冲突会愈演愈烈。It was the second air disaster in the region in less than two months.这已经是该地区不到两个月内的第二次空难了。His weight showed an increase of 3 lbs. in a month.他的体重在一个月内增加了三磅。A full report is expected inside three months.完整的报告要在三个月内完成。Expect the real estate market to downshift in the next few months. 预计在接下来的几个月内房地产市场的发展将趋于缓慢。The U.S. army will complete the phased withdrawal in four months.美国军队将在四个月内完成分阶段撤军。The contract contains a guarantee that the building will be finished within 6 months.合同里含有大楼将在六个月内竣工的保证。




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