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Of all the students, I ran farthest.在所有学生中,我跑得最远。The best table is furthest from the kitchen.最好的餐桌位子离厨房最远。Trevor travelled furthest to get here.特雷弗走了最远的路来到这里。Who can swim furthest?谁能游得最远? He walked slowly toward the end of the jury box furthest from the judge.他慢慢地向陪审团席离法官最远的那头走去。The farthest I've ever gone to see him is Los Angeles.为了看他,我去的最远的地方是洛杉矶。That's the furthest I can see without glasses.我不戴眼镜最远就能看到那么远了。Sound carries best over water.声音在水上传得最远。On the first attempt he made it no further than modern Morocco.首次尝试时,他最远到达了今天的摩洛哥所在地。My sister was the one who travelled farthest.我姐姐去过的地方最远。Pluto is the utmost known planet in our solar system.冥王星是太阳系中已知的最远的一颗行星。Our house is the furthest from the stores.我们家离商店区最远。It was often those without charts who got the furthest.往往那些没有航海图的人走得最远。Pluto was once regarded as the solar system's most far-out planet.冥王星曾被认为是太阳系里最远的行星。Which village in England is farthest from London?英格兰的哪个村庄离伦敦最远?He chose the seat farthest from the door.他选择了离门最远的座位。Which of you can throw the ball furthest?你们当中谁能把球扔得最远?We had a contest to see who could hit a golf ball the farthest.我们比试了一下,看谁能把高尔夫球打得最远。Children rushed to hide in the farthest corners of the garden.孩子们冲到花园最远的角落里藏起来。Who do you think can jump the farthest?你认为谁跳得最远?I've never been further west than St. Louis.我到过的西边最远的地方就是圣路易斯。The river steamers only went up as far as Mandalay.河上的汽船最远只开到曼德勒。In the furthermost corner sat a tall thin man.最远的角落里坐着一个瘦高个男人。Surfers choose the waves that carry them farthest.冲浪者们选择把他们冲得最远的波浪。We slide into the booth farthest from the street.我们悄悄溜进离街道最远的公用电话亭。They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now.他们现在已经远离了最远的零星分布的郊区了。The risk of thunder is greatest in those areas furthest from the coast.距离海岸最远的那些地区受雷击的危险最大。 |