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The new taxes were aimed at the largest and wealthiest corporations.新税项是针对规模最大、最富有的公司制定的。He's fabulously rich, one of the richest men in the world.他拥有巨额财富,是世界上最富有的人之一。Nothing was to prevent him now from becoming the richest, and therefore the happiest, man in the world.现在什么也阻挡不了他成为世上最富有因而也是最幸福的人。The ousting of his predecessor was one of the most dramatic coups the business world had seen in years.将他的前任扳倒是商界多年以来最富戏剧性的一场胜利。The Italians are said to be the most passionate people in Europe.据说意大利人是欧洲最富激情的民族。She is one of the wealthiest, most ubiquitous media personalities around.她是目前最富有、出镜率最高的媒体人物之一。Jaffrii is now one of the richest and most successful men in the business world.贾弗里现在是商界最富有、最成功的人士之一。McMahon is one of the sport's most colourful characters.麦克马洪是这项运动中最富有特色的人物之一。The book condemns some of society's wealthiest members as decadent fools.这本书谴责了社会最富有的一些人,称他们是颓废的傻瓜。He's said to be the richest man in the world.据说他是世界上最富有的男人。Europe's richest women wander carefree in Monaco's pristine streets.欧洲最富有的女人们在摩纳哥一尘不染的大街上无忧无虑地闲逛。The ten richest women in the UK all inherited their wealth.英国最富有的十名女性,她们的财产都是继承得来的。Mandon, our richest cousin, had made a fortune in the cable TV business.我们最富有的表亲曼东靠有线电视发了财。He was one of the boldest and most innovative composers of his day.他是当时最具胆识、最富创新精神的作曲家之一。He is the most sagacious member of the committee.他是委员会里最富洞察力的成员。She has one of the most creative minds in the business.她是行业内最富创造力的人之一。The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.最富有和最贫穷的房主们看法一致,达成了新的共识。He enjoys a style of living that is beyond the means of all but the wealthiest people. 他享受的生活方式只有最富有的人才承担得起。The castle is set in one of England's most romantic landscapes.城堡坐落在英格兰最富有浪漫气息的风景地之一。Seacliff House is one of the most romantic ruins in Scotland.海崖城堡是苏格兰最富有浪漫色彩的遗迹之一。By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.通过投资房地产,他成为美国最富有的人之一。Everyone from the richest down to the poorest had to pay the tax.每个人,从最富的到最穷的,都得纳税。He was rated one of the richest men in Texas.他被认为是德州最富有的人之一。The main attraction was the bustling market.最富吸引力的是热闹的市场。I trow she be the richest lady and the fairest of all the world.我相信她是世界上最富有最美丽的女子。I think that sums up the feelings of most discerning and intelligent Indians.我想这概括了最富洞察力和悟性的印第安人的感受。They're one of the world's richest nations.他们国家是世界上最富的国家之一。He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.他是他那代人当中最富创造性与革新精神的工程师之一。 |