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I don't know why he bothers to bet - his horses always come in last.我不明白他为什么还要去下注——他选的马总是落在最后面。The list was pared down for the final interviews.名单上的人数逐步减少,以确定最后面试人选。Carole was left to bring up the rear.卡萝尔落在最后面。The story was buried at the back of the paper.这篇报道被掩藏在报纸的最后面。We were seated all the way in the back.我们坐在最后面。He sat at the very back of the church.他坐在教堂的最后面。There's a map on the back page.在最后面一页上有一张地图。The rearmost aircraft peeled off into a vertical climb.最后面那架飞机脱离机群,开始垂直爬升。The very back pair of seats fold into the floor.最后面的两个座位可以折叠起来收进地板下。At the very back of the yard, several feet from Lenny, was a wooden shack.在院子的最后面离伦尼几英尺远的地方有一个小木屋。 |