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词汇 holy
例句 I never saw anything to beat that — by the holy poker, I never did.我从来没见过有什么东西能比得过那个,的的确确,我从来没见过。He called for a jihad, or holy war, against foreign forces in Afghanistan.他号召发动护教战争,即圣战,以对抗在阿富汗的外国军队。To desecrate a holy spring is considered profanity.圣泉俗用被认为是亵渎神灵的行为。Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover.基督教的圣周与犹太教逾越节的头几天重叠。The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places.士兵们故意亵渎各处神圣的场所。His trophy room is the holy of holies where only his closest friends are allowed.他的奖杯陈列室是他的贵宾室,只有最要好的朋友才能进入。The Indians think of him as a holy man, a combination of doctor and priest.印度人认为他是一个虔诚的人,既是医生又是牧师。The priest sprinkled each member of the congregation with holy water.神父向每一位教徒洒圣水。At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water.在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。Finding a cure for cancer is the holy grail of medical researchers.找到治愈癌症的方法是医学研究者的梦想。The Indians think of him as a holy man, a combination of doctor and priest.印度人把他视为圣人,他既是医生又是僧侣。Their kids are holy terrors. 他们的孩子都太淘气了。Hakeem is currently observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and fasts between sunrise and sunset.哈基姆现在正遵守穆斯林的神圣斋月,日出和日落之间要禁食。The monument was blessed with holy water and a traditional olive branch.这座纪念碑用传统的橄榄枝洒圣水祝福过。He views himself as a holy warrior.他把自己看作圣斗士。These children are venerated as holy beings.这些孩子被奉为圣人。He gave them holy hell. 他把他们臭骂了一顿。A series of explosions rocked the holy city, Karbala, today, amid solemn religious observances.今天,一系列的爆炸震动了正在举行肃穆宗教仪式的圣城卡尔巴拉。That boy is a holy terror. 那小子可真难管。In Islam, only the Qur'an is considered holy.在伊斯兰教中,只有《可兰经》被认为是圣经。The holy water washes away their sins.圣水洗去他们的罪过。It was a holy place, the shrine of a saint.这是个神圣的地方,一个圣徒的神殿。To them, as to all Christians, this is a holy place.对他们以及所有基督徒来说,这里是一处圣地。She was a holy woman, innocent and chaste.她是个虔诚的女子,贞节无瑕。That precious child of hers is really a holy terror.她那个宝贝孩子真是调皮得要命。Sustained nuclear fusion is the holy grail of the power industry.能持久反应的核聚变是电力工业梦寐以求的“圣杯”。This stadium is the holy of holies to many fans.这个足球场对很多球迷来说就是圣地。Vandals defiled the holy shrine.肆意破坏文物者玷污了这座圣殿。Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.当记住安息日,守为圣日。I caught holy hell when the thing broke.这东西打碎后,我挨了一顿臭骂。The poem sings the praises of holy love.这首诗歌颂圣洁的爱。He was regarded as a righteous and holy man.他被认为是一个正直而虔诚的人。Jerusalem is a holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.耶路撒冷是犹太人、基督教徒和穆斯林的圣城。He kept sprinkling holy water on Mia.他不停地往米娅身上洒圣水。No one knew who tabernacled the holy bread and wine.谁也不知道是谁把圣面包和酒置于到神龛中了。




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