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词汇 替罪羊
例句 The coach has become the whipping boy for all of the team's problems.这个教练成了队里一切问题的替罪羊The captain was just a scapegoat. The real villains were the people in charge of the shipping company.船长不过是替罪羊罢了。真正的问题出在航运公司的负责人身上。He has served well as his boss's lightning rod. 他忠心履职,充当了上司的替罪羊I took the blame for Butch because I was afraid of him.我害怕布奇,所以当了他的替罪羊He was scapegoated for the company's failures.公司生意失败,他当了替罪羊He was a convenient scapegoat.他很自然就成了替罪羊His lawyers will argue that he was set up as a/the fall guy for crimes he had no part in.他的律师将辩称,他成了那些与他毫无关联的罪行中的替罪羊The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.这些死者可能是替罪羊,袭击者可能误以为他们是当兵的。If you think I'm going to take the fall for the scandal just to protect the Senator, you're crazy.如果你以为我会为保护参议员而在这件丑闻中做替罪羊,那你就大错特错了。He has been made a scapegoat for the company's failures.他成了公司经营失败的替罪羊Journalists asked if the Secretary of State was going be the fall guy for the President's secret arms deal.记者询问国务卿是否会为总统的秘密武器交易做替罪羊They are being made the scapegoats for all the ills of society.他们被当成一切社会弊病的替罪羊The governor was looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.州长要找替罪羊为贪污丑闻承担责任。He has become a convenient whipping boy for the failures of the old regime.他成了现成的替罪羊,为旧政权的失败担受罪名。The public is looking for a scapegoat, but no one will be accused until a full inquiry has been held.公众正在寻找一个替罪羊,但只有在进行了彻底调查之后,才会有人受到指责。I often carry the can when a colleague goofs.同事出了差错,我常做替罪羊The company has become a lightning rod for the public's anger.那家公司成了平息众怒的替罪羊He claims he was made the fall guy for the affair.他声称自己是这起事件的替罪羊The CEO was made the scapegoat for the company's failures.公司生意失败,首席执行官成了替罪羊




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