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例句 Some people carry a gene that puts them at greater risk of certain cancers.有些人有着某些使他们更易于患上癌症的基因。Young workers are more willing to desert jobs they don't like.年轻职工对不喜欢的工作更易擅自离职。The regulations should make it easier for patients to receive the treatment they need.规定应当使患者更易于接受所需的治疗。She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's.她谈到职业女性的悲哀:与男性相比,她们的判断力更易遭人质疑。Research shows that young people without jobs are most likely to turn to crime.研究显示,无业的年轻人更易走上犯罪道路。Why are some memories more available for recall than others?为什么有些往事比之其他往事更易被忆起?The new ships, propelled by gas turbines, require less maintenance than older, steam-driven ones.这些由汽轮机驱动的新型轮船比蒸汽驱动的老式轮船更易于养护。Castors can be fitted to a bed to make it easier to pull.床底可以安上脚轮使床更易于拖动。Such patients are more prone to drop dead suddenly.这类病人更易猝死。Murder raps were easier to beat in Texas than horse theft.从前在得克萨斯州,杀人罪反而比盗马罪更易逃脱。Liquid food may be more easily swallowed.流食会更易于吞咽。A complex idea is clothed in the more palpable form of myth.一个复杂的想法隐藏在更易感知的神话形式中。




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