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词汇 oceans
例句 Scientists have been charting temperature changes in the oceans.科学家们一直在记录海洋的温度变化。He navigated across oceans.他横渡了几大洋。We must protect the health of our oceans.我们必须要保护好我们的海洋。The commission calls for a bold, new conservation ethic that embraces the oceans as a public trust.委员会提议建立一套全新、大胆的自然保护准则,将海洋纳入公众管辖范围。The shifting of continents has an impact on the volume of water the oceans can contain.大陆漂移影响着海洋的储水量。We learned about the way the oceans are affected by the moon.我们了解到月亮对海水的影响。Some scientists estimate that at least one third of the life forms that exist in deep oceans have not yet been discovered.有些科学家估计,深海中至少有三分之一的生物尚未被发现。Scientists traditionally divide the oceans into zones.科学家传统上都把海洋划分成区。The temperature of the world's oceans has risen by more than 2 degrees in the past hundred years.世界海洋温度在过去的一百年里上升了两度多。The spacecraft scans the Earth's oceans with radar instruments.航天器用雷达设备扫描地球上的大洋。Park there, you've got oceans of space.把车停在那儿,那边空间大得很。The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.巴拿马运河是连接大西洋和太平洋至关重要的航道。It appals me how we use the oceans, forests and skies as dumping grounds.我震惊地发现我们是如何将海洋、森林和天空当作我们的垃圾倾倒场。Many primitive life forms are found in the depths of the oceans.在大洋深处发现了许多原始生命形式。The Earth's oceans are continually heated by the sun.地球上的海洋受到太阳持续的加温。




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