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词汇 暴力
例句 A couple of the scenes had to be cut because they were too violent.有几个镜头过于暴力,只得剪掉。Do you agree with the argument that violence on TV makes people behave violently?电视上的暴力场面使人们行为变得狂暴,这一论点你同意吗?Civil liberties groups helped to turn the tide against industrial violence.公民自由团体帮助扭转劳资纠纷引发暴力的潮流。The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.这份报告没能证明银幕暴力与现实生活中的暴力行为之间的因果关系。In recent times/years/months, etc. there has been an increase in the amount of violence on television.近来/几年/几个月,电视节目中的暴力内容越来越多。Those who grab power through violence deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.那些通过暴力行径攫取权力的人应该受到与他们的严重罪行相应的惩罚。There aren't any magic formulas that will help that violence go away.没有任何神奇方案可以促使那种暴力现象消弭。The entire country has been engulfed by chaos/crisis/violence.整个国家陷入了混乱/危机/暴力Violence and crime are pervasive features of city life.暴力和犯罪是城市生活的普遍特征。The movie was criticized on the grounds that it glorified violence.那部电影因颂扬暴力而受到批评。They were horrified by/at the movie's violence.他们被那部电影的暴力场面吓坏了。The country was on the verge of collapse because of the intensification of violent rebel attacks.由于叛乱分子的暴力袭击愈演愈烈,该国已处于崩溃的边缘。Most of the violent scenes were edited out for television.为了适合电视播出,其中的大多数暴力场面都被剪掉了。The objective is to substitute real democratic politics for conflict and violence.目的是用真正的民主政治来代替冲突与暴力Violence of some type seems to occur in every society.每个社会似乎都会存在某种形式的暴力Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence.毒品是暴力产生的间接原因。Regular viewing of violent pornography desensitizes men to violence against women.经常观看暴力色情片会使男人在看到针对女人的暴力时无动于衷。The media bombards all of us with images of violence.媒体强加给我们大量的暴力画面。I don't condone violence in any shape or form.对任何形式的暴力我都不会容忍。Doesn't all this violence on TV disgust you?电视中的暴力场面不让你反感吗?They accused the police of using excessive force during the arrest.他们指控警察在逮捕时过度使用暴力After years of war, they had become benumbed to violence. 多年战乱之后,他们对暴力已经变得麻木了。He died a violent/tragic death.他惨遭暴力/不幸而亡。The report contained no acknowledgment that the police used excessive violence when arresting demonstrators.那份报告没有承认警方在逮捕示威游行者时滥施暴力He is regarded as one of Congress's most outspoken critics of television violence.他被视为国会中对电视暴力最直言不讳的批评者之一。The more violent scenes in the film were cut when it was shown on television.这部电影在电视上播放时剪掉了一些更为暴力的镜头。She doesn't think much of people who get their jollies from watching violent movies. 她对于那些热衷于看暴力电影的人不屑一顾。TV violence perverts the minds of young children.电视暴力腐蚀了孩子们的心灵。They now have a good chance of winning the battle against violence and drugs in the community.他们现在完全有机会战胜社区内的暴力和毒品。Children's organizations are calling for a clamp-down on TV violence.儿童机构在呼吁禁止电视暴力Alice was a compassionate woman who wanted to save children from violence and poverty.艾丽斯是一位富有同情心的女士,她想把孩子们从暴力和贫穷中拯救出来。We must all join forces to prevent violence.我们一定要齐心协力阻止暴力的发生。Violence on television has become topical recently.电视中出现暴力的问题近来为大家所关注。The violence in his movies really turns my stomach.他的那些影片中的暴力镜头真让我恶心。There are scenes in this play which to my mind are incredibly violent.这出戏里有些场面在我看来过于暴力The police are worried that the situation could turn violent.警方担心这个局势可能会演变成暴力性质。I feel more revolted at his acting than at the violence in the movie.我对他的演技的反感更胜于对影片中的暴力内容。More than half the inmates were there for some sort of violent crime.那里关押的犯人半数以上犯了某种暴力罪。I hope this latest attack will make people think twice about mindless violence towards ethnic minorities.我希望这最近一次的袭击会让大家对用无谓的暴力攻击少数民族的行为作出郑重的思考。Hopes for peace dissolved in renewed violence.和平的希望随着暴力卷土重来而破灭了。




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