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I found out about their affair.我发现了他们的暧昧关系。My husband confessed he'd been having an affair with a woman in his office.我丈夫承认他和办公室里的一个女人有暧昧关系。The magazine published intimate details of their affair.这本杂志刊登了他们暧昧关系的隐秘细节。People having affairs at work often find that business and romance don't mix.与同事有暧昧关系的人经常会觉得工作和浪漫不相容。They were very good friends but there was no romantic involvement.他们是很好的朋友,但两人并没有那种暧昧关系。They tried to keep their affair secret, but it wasn't long before tongues began to wag.他们试图不让别人知道他们的暧昧关系,但是不久就有了闲言碎语。Sometimes my imagination runs away with me and I convince myself that they are having an affair.有时候我会禁不住胡思乱想,认为他们有暧昧关系。I had no idea that Mike had an affair with Carolyn!我一点都不知道迈克和卡罗琳有暧昧关系!There are stories going around that they are having an affair.风传他们之间有暧昧关系。He had clearly made up his mind to end the affair.他下定决心要结束这段暧昧关系。She carried on an affair with her boss.她和老板有暧昧关系。He was having an affair with the wife of a diplomat.他与一个外交官的妻子有暧昧关系。Marge protested that she had never had any kind of affair with Lawrence.玛吉一再申明自己从来没和劳伦斯有过什么暧昧关系。The country was scandalized by the news of the President's alleged affair.听到总统涉嫌有暧昧关系的消息,举国震怒。Their affair is an open secret.他们的暧昧关系是公开的秘密。How long has the affair been going on?这种暧昧关系持续多久了?Unfounded rumours began circulating that Ian and Susan were having an affair.无端的谣言开始流传开来,说伊恩和苏珊有暧昧关系。The affair ended after it was made public by the newspapers.他们的暧昧关系被报纸公开后就结束了。 |