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词汇 markets
例句 The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates.当局不得不干预市场,迫其提出削减利率的要求。The farmers suffered a severe drought and there was a consequent shortage of food in the markets.农民遭受严重的干旱,结果造成市场上食品匮乏。The financial markets are calm at the moment.金融市场目前很稳定。The produce markets will exhibit a seasonal heaviness.农产品市场将呈现季节性呆滞。Worsening economic conditions have created an unfavorable backdrop for global markets.每况愈下的经济情况使全球市场环境不妙。Apple has spent huge sums in its drive to penetrate new markets.苹果公司花费巨款以期打进新市场。The company has a strong position in most international markets.该公司在大多数国际市场上地位稳固。There is growth potential in certain African markets.一些非洲市场有增长潜力。The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday.昨天在外汇市场上英镑骤跌至新低。This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets.这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场。The news shook financial markets worldwide.这条新闻使全球的金融市场都出现了动荡。The oil price surge of recent weeks has catalysed the latest falls in world markets.最近几周的油价暴涨带来了全球市场价格的下跌。Her comments on interest rates had little impact on financial markets.她就利率问题所作的评论对金融市场没什么影响。They now have access to the mass markets of Japan and the UK.他们现在进入了日本和英国的大众市场。IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the markets for its products.国际商用机器公司一般很乐意透露其产品的市场信息。The company plans to expand its presence in emerging markets.该公司计划扩大其在新兴市场的占有率。Our policy of glocalization means that our products are always adapted to specific markets.我们的全球本土化政策意味着我们的产品总是适合特定的市场的。Tax increases, allied to a collapse in export markets, have seriously harmed industry.税赋的增加,再加上出口市场的崩溃,已严重损害了工业。The two fisheries are ideally located between major markets in New York and Boston.两座渔场位于纽约和波士顿的大市场之间,位置理想。If the agreement is to succeed, the EU must open up its markets.协议若要生效,欧盟必须开放其市场。Those products are for interior markets.那些产品供应国内市场。They make money by speculating on the currency markets.他们通过在货币市场投机赚钱。Our economic policies seek to increase productivity, expand markets and create jobs.我们的经济政策力图提高生产力、扩大市场和创造就业机会。Regulations are important in markets that are increasingly international in scope.在活动范围日渐国际化的市场里,法规很重要。The dollar sank even lower yesterday on world markets.昨天美元在世界市场上进一步下跌。Emergent democracies created markets that were ripe for exploitation.新兴民主国家创造出了适宜开发的市场。Hong Kong has everything in abundance, from open-air markets to glitzy malls.从露天市场到炫目的商场,香港应有尽有。The company's adjustment to the new markets has been successful.公司已经成功地适应了新的市场。They came here in search of new markets for their products.他们来此为他们的产品寻找新市场。The government want to use this as an inducement for developing countries to open up their markets.该政府想以此来促使发展中国家开放市场。The domestic and international tourism markets are separate entities.国内和国际的旅游市场是两个独立的实体。Bargaining at the markets is now just an empty ritual.市场上的讨价还价现在只不过是走形式罢了。There is enormous, acknowledged, and untapped potential in the Indian stock markets.印度的股票市场蕴含着公认的、尚未挖掘出来的巨大潜力。Falling sales in Thailand were offset by strong performances in other markets.其他市场的出色业绩弥补了泰国销售量的下降。The pound plunged to a new low on foreign exchange markets yesterday.在昨天的外汇市场上,英镑突然跌到新低。Regional markets have flourished in recent years.近年来区域性市场非常兴隆。With the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.随着大型新市场的建立,经济越来越兴旺。The markets abound with imported goods.市场上进口商品充足。A sudden drop on Wall Street can set off a chain reaction in other financial markets.华尔街股价暴跌会在其他金融市场上引发连锁反应。In recent years, increased demand has forced up the price of copper on world markets.近年来铜的需求量增加,这抬高了它在世界市场上的价格。




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