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词汇 景致
例句 The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.从山顶望下去,景致夺人魂魄。We moved to Northamptonshire and a new landscape of hedges and fields.我们迁往北安普敦郡,置身于一派树篱和田野的新景致中。People perched themselves on the railing to get a better view.人们坐在栏杆上,以便看到更好的景致The Memorial seems almost ugly, dominating the landscape for miles around.那座纪念碑耸立在方圆数英里景致之中显得近乎难看。When you get off the beaten track, you can find some lovely spots.去到人迹罕至的地方,会发现一些美丽的景致The kitchen is light and airy, with a fantastic view.厨房明亮通风,望出去景致迷人。Flowers and trees are planted to produce an attractive alternation of light and shade in the garden.种植鲜花与树木以期在花园里营造光影婆娑的动人景致The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.乘客们为景致所吸引。Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape.马隆向外看着毫无特色的灰绿色的景致The house commanded some splendid views of Delaware Bay.从这座房子可以俯瞰到特拉华湾壮丽的景致The ugliness of the resort is counterbalanced by the excellence of the skiing.优良的滑雪条件弥补了这片度假胜地景致方面的缺陷。He loved the exoticism of the scenes and situations in the books.他爱上了书里描绘的那些风光和景致体现出的异国情调。The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.花朵色彩斑斓,景致格外壮观。There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night.鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。At little expense, you can enter the church and take a lift up to the belfry, which affords wonderful views over the town.花很少的钱便可以进入教堂,搭乘电梯上到钟楼,观赏整个小镇的绝妙景致The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生动植物。That sunset was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.那次日落是我见过的最美的景致The cottage is surrounded by the most glorious countryside.村舍的周围是绚丽的乡村景致All the rooms have splendid views.所有的房间都能看得到漂亮的景致Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outside the door.桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。She was naturally adventurous and loved the wild landscape of Colombia with all its beauty and danger.她天生爱冒险,非常喜欢哥伦比亚既绮丽又险峻的天然景致Lowlands under the hills became an undulating phantasmagoria as mirages flickered endlessly.山下低地景致时起时伏变幻无常,犹如海市蜃楼不停地忽隐忽现。The weather was a bit cold, but the beautiful scenery more than made up for it.天气略有些冷,但美丽的景致足以弥补这一缺憾。It was a cold room, but it afforded a fine view of the Old City.这房间虽然很冷,但是它能让人将古城的景致尽收眼底。The lake and mountains provided a dazzling backdrop for the ceremony.湖光山色为典礼增添了光彩夺目的景致Our house has got a splendid view of the bay.从我们家可以看到海湾的壮丽景致Their house has a magnificent view over the bay.从他们家能看到海湾漂亮的景致People perched on the railing to get a better view.人们坐在栏杆上,以便看到更好的景致




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