例句 |
He bumbled through the speech.他演讲时语无伦次。He bumbled his way through the speech.他演讲时语无伦次。The two of them bumbled from one crisis to another.他们两人磕磕碰碰地从一个危机陷入另一个危机。Someone bumbled and told the story to the press.有人闯了祸,把这事告诉了媒体。I had one chance and I bumbled it.我曾有过一个机会,但我把它搞砸了。We feel the federal government has bumbled this operation.我们认为联邦政府把这次行动搞砸了。I bumbled around in search of my glasses.我笨手笨脚地找我的眼镜。 |