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词汇 晒干
例句 Before the photo dries, the image is dusted with a special powder.照片晒干之前,先在影像上撒一种特别的粉末。The sun had dried up the roads an hour after it stopped raining.雨停后一小时,太阳就把路面晒干了。Hang the washing out to dry.把洗好的衣服晾出去晒干I like to hang the sheets out to dry. It gives them a fresh smell.我喜欢把床单挂出去晒干,这样床单会有一种清新气味。The villagers built their houses with adobe.村民们用晒干的泥砖造房子。The hay is curing in the sun.在阳光下晒干草。Hang your towel over the chair to dry it out.把毛巾挂在椅子上晒干He fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre.他去钓了鱼,并把钓来的鱼钉在牛棚的墙上晒干




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