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词汇 坠机
例句 We're hoping against hope that they survived the crash.我们抱着一线希望,盼望着他们在坠机事故中生还。We live in hope that there will be some survivors of the crash.我们抱着一线希望,希望那次坠机事故能有一些幸存者。The emergency services searched all night for crash survivors.应急服务机构整夜都在搜寻坠机事故幸存者。The airport was full of distressed relatives waiting for news of the crash.机场里挤满了悲痛欲绝的亲属,他们在等待有关坠机的消息。An emergency call was received shortly before the plane went down.坠机前不久收到过紧急呼救。The cause of the crash was engine failure.坠机原因是引擎故障。There was an extended news bulletin because of the plane crash.因为发生了坠机事件,新闻简报的播出时间延长了。Anxious relatives waited at the airport for news of the plane crash.心急如焚的家属在机场等待坠机事故的消息。The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids.坠机是由导航不力直接造成的。The aircraft's wings were sheared off in the crash.机翼在坠机时断裂了。Available evidence points to pilot error as the cause of the crash.现有证据表明驾驶员失误是这次坠机的原因。The two pilots who crashed the helicopter cannot be absolved from blame.导致直升机坠机的两名飞行员无法免除事故责任。On the balance of probabilities, the pilot suffered a stroke before the crash.综合分析各种可能性后,飞行员很有可能在坠机前突发中风。An inquiry has been set up in the wake of the crash.坠机发生后,调查随之展开。The pilot bailed out just before the plane crashed.飞行员在坠机前跳了伞Cockpit recordings may reveal the cause of the crash.驾驶舱的录音可能会揭示坠机的原因。The reporter provided a graphic account of the plane crash.记者形象地描绘了那次坠机事件。The news comes on the heels of the FBI's announcement that last week's crash was caused by mechanical failure.联邦调查局宣布上周的坠机事件是由机械故障所致,跟着就传来了这个消息。Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster.坠机事件的目击者称,就在灾难发生前他们看见了爆炸。Officials have not yet ruled out sabotage as a possible cause of the crash.官方尚未排除此次坠机可能是一次蓄意破坏的可能性。She survived the plane crash and many years later died a natural death. 她在坠机事件中幸免于难,许多年后尽其天年。A bomb was the only plausible explanation for the crash.炸弹爆炸是这次坠机事件唯一合理的解释。The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids.坠机是导航不力的直接后果。Her mother was killed in a plane crash.她母亲在一次坠机中遇难。The plane crash was caused by human error, not mechanical failure.这次坠机事件是人为错误,不是机械故障造成的。The pilot remained at the controls of his plane even when it became clear that a crash was inevitable.即使大家明白坠机已不可避免,飞行员仍驾驶着飞机。No one knows yet if anyone survived the crash. At this point, we can only hope.现在谁也不知道在这次坠机事故中是否有人生还。此时此刻我们只能寄予希望了。Flights were suspended pending (an) investigation of the crash.坠机事故正待调查,航班暂时取消。The crash left wreckage spread over a wide area.坠机残骸散落的范围很广。The helpline was inundated with requests for information on the crash.打咨询热线询问坠机情况的电话多得应接不暇。Human error was the apparent cause of the plane crash.坠机明显是人为错误导致的。




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