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词汇 坠落
例句 I opened my eyes, and tried to banish the terrifying images of the plane falling from the sky, and crashing into the sea.我睁开双眼,想把飞机从空中坠落掉入大海的恐怖景象驱除掉。The aircraft was shot down in flames.飞机被击中后起火坠落The object had clearly fallen from a considerable height.这个物体显然是从相当高的地方坠落下来的。It's quite common to dream that you're falling.梦到自己在坠落是常有的事。The lamp fell and gouged the table.坠落下来,在桌面上砸出个坑。The plane went down in foggy conditions.这架飞机在浓雾中坠落He was killed by a falling rock. 他是被一块坠落的岩石砸死的。A worker was decapitated when a lift plummeted down the shaft on top of him.升降机沿着升降井坠落到一名工人身上,工人的脑袋被削掉了。The plane looked as if it was going to crash.飞机看上去好像要坠落A massive rock fall trapped the men as they operated a tunnelling machine.一块坠落的巨石困住了操作隧道挖掘机的工人。The falling tile struck him with a glancing blow on the head. 坠落的瓦片擦伤了他的头部。We watched as the plane went down in a fiery blaze.我们看着飞机燃着熊熊大火从空中坠落A sonic boom was heard by observers on the shore as the meteorite fell to earth.陨星坠落地球的时候,海岸上的观察者听到了震天的巨响。The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的挂钩断了,吊灯坠落到桌子上,光华四溅。I had a sensation of falling. 我有一种坠落的感觉。The National Association for Elevator Safety says that most elevators have safety devices that prevent free-falls.国家电梯安全协会说大多数电梯都有防止自由坠落的安全装置。Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.坠落的石头阻滞了救援人员的救援进程。The aircraft was out of control and arched into the water.飞机失去控制,呈弧形坠落水中。He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone's fall.有人坠落压在他身上,致使他颈部受重伤。He was killed when his monoplane stalled and dived into the ground.他因驾驶单翼机失速坠落而身亡。There had been a fall of rocks on the road.路上有岩石坠落Others were unlucky victims of falling debris.其他人都是不幸为坠落的瓦砾残片所伤。The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off.发射后不久,火箭就失控坠落了。The satellite was tumbling out of control.卫星失控坠落Meteorites are asteroid fragments that fall to the ground.陨石是坠落地球的小行星残骸。The plane went into a tailspin. 这架飞机尾旋坠落Airline officials believe that the plane came down somewhere in the Andes mountains.航空公司的官员认为飞机是在安第斯山脉的某个地方坠落的。Witnesses say that there was an explosion and then the plane dropped like a stone.目击证说听到一声爆炸,然后飞机象石头一样坠落地面。Troops rescued the crew of a downed helicopter.部队营救了坠落的直升机上的机组人员。




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