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例句 She often comes home from work looking a little the worse for wear.她下班回家常常显得有些疲倦。She can be a little maladroit in social situations.她在社交场合会显得有些笨拙。The ambassador looked somewhat irritated by the interruption.大使讲话被打断后显得有些恼怒。There is an element of exhibitionism in the parents' performance too.那对父母的表现也显得有些爱出风头。His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious.他天生的内敛性格让他显得有些拘谨。Use the best tools and materials you can afford to give a professional finish to your DIY work.自己动手做东西,要尽量用最好的工具和材料,让成品显得有专业水平。He patted her back in an overly familiar way.他拍了拍她的背,显得有些过分亲昵。There is an element of exhibitionism in the parents' performance.那对父母的表现显得有些招摇。He was slightly sheepish when admitting it.他承认这件事时,显得有些难为情。In the photo her face was slightly elongated.照片中她的脸显得有些长。Your essay gets a bit confused halfway through when you introduce too many ideas at once.你的文章写到一半时一下子提出了太多观点,显得有些混乱。The jacket hung loosely on his thin body.那件上衣穿在他那瘦小的身躯上显得有些松松垮垮。His book struck me as more of a contrivance than the others.在我看来,他的书比起其他的来说显得有些矫揉造作。She struggled to bring a semblance of order to the meeting.她尽力想使会场显得有些秩序。He appeared embarrassed and ill at ease with the sustained applause that greeted him.向他致意的掌声一直不歇,他显得有些难为情,不知如何是好。There's an antiseptic feeling to the new town centre, with its covered shopping mall.新建的市中心购物广场上面架了棚顶,一切过于整洁而显得有些呆板。He may have been eclipsed by the young guns, but his films are still very popular.年轻一辈的光芒可能会让他显得有些黯然失色,但他的电影仍旧十分受欢迎。




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