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词汇 floor
例句 The vinyl floor gave way to carpet tiles.乙烯基地面换成了方块地毯。The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.博物馆的底层为一具恐龙的骨骼占据了。His blow sent the champion to the floor.他一拳将那位冠军打倒在地。The Business Library is situated on the ground floor.商业图书馆位于一楼。The floor of the platform might give if too many people walk on it.如果太多的人站在舞台上,舞台的地板就会塌下来。The forest floor was a carpet of wild flowers.森林里满地野花。The child rushed into the room and tracked dirt over the floor.小孩冲进房间,在地板上到处留下带泥的脚印。The telephone is in the little study on the ground floor.电话在一楼的小书房内。We were like cleaners, floor scrubbers.我们就像清洁工和地板擦洗工。Couples were jitterbugging on the dance floor.情侣们在舞池中跳着吉特巴舞。We'll need a lot of free floor space for the dancing lesson.我们需要许多空旷的地面空间来上舞蹈课。Fire broke out on the first floor of the apartment building.公寓楼的底层起火。Wood chips covered the floor in the carpenter's workshop.木匠工作间的地板上全是木屑。Clark says the poltergeist scatters pots and pans over the kitchen floor, opens locked doors and frightens the family dog.克拉克说吵闹鬼会把锅碗瓢盆乱扔在厨房的地板上,会把上了锁的门打开,还会惊吓家里的狗。The three members act out a mime on the dance floor.这三个成员在舞池内表演了一出哑剧。Within a few minutes he had the car engine in pieces on the garage floor.不出几分钟,他已经把汽车引擎拆得支离破碎,放在车库的地板上了。There's water on the floor - we must have a leak.地板上有水——肯定是什么地方漏了。My office is on the ground floor.我的公寓套房在底层。He slipped and fell slap on the floor.他滑了一下,猛地跌倒在地。The pencil went rolling across the floor.铅笔滚过地板。He described finding his mother lying on the floor.他叙述说发现他妈妈躺在地板上。The newlyweds were the first to take the floor.新婚夫妇最先起身跳舞。He let go of her shoulders and she sank at once to the floor.他松开她的肩膀,她顿时倒在地板上。She gave the floor a quick sweep.她迅速打扫了一下地板。The water was running over onto the floor.当时水在外溢,流到了地板上。There was a lot of paint spatter on the floor.地板上有许多油漆痕迹。The book hit the floor with a loud thwack.书啪的一声砸到地板上。Her clothes were in an untidy heap on the floor.她的衣服胡乱地堆在地板上。She heard the click of shoes on the marble floor.她听见鞋碰到大理石地板发出的嗒嗒声。Someone had been sick on the floor.有人吐在地板上了。He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.他竭力使自己在打滑的地板上站稳。He took the lift to the top floor.他搭电梯来到顶楼。The party finished late, so I just dossed on the floor at Adele's.晚会很晚才结束,所以我就在阿黛尔家的地板上睡。The ring fell from her hands and went tinkling across the floor.铃铛从她手中落下来,滑过地板丁零零地响。After hours of sitting on the floor, her legs had gone numb.在地上坐几个小时后,她的腿已经麻了。Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。She dived down to the floor of the pool.她下潜到池底。He sat cross-legged on the floor.他盘腿坐在地上。Something like a zephyr moved across the floor of the wood towards him, eddying the leaves.似乎有一阵微风扫过小树林的地面朝他吹来,卷起纷飞的落叶。He started effing and blinding and threw their books on the floor.他开始恶言咒骂,把他们的书扔在地上。




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