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词汇 理性
例句 He puts his faith in reason/science.他相信理性/科学。All your arguments presuppose that he's a rational, intelligent man.你所有论点的前提都是他是一个理性而聪明的人。Few ministers have the nous required to understand the ramifications.没有几个部长具备理解这些后果所需的理性The result might inject more sense into future bargaining.其结果可能为未来的谈判注入更多的理性His temperament is more intuitive than scientific.他的性情更趋向于感性而不是理性She was a creature of the emotions, rather than reason.她是个感性的人,不太理性Human reason is a fallible guide.人的理性容易将人引入歧途。It's important not just to throw reason out the window.不要只是抛弃理性,这是很重要的。Telemann's style is warmer, lighter and less cerebral than Bach's.泰勒曼的风格更为热烈轻松,比巴赫的风格少了些理性She was too tired to think rationally.她太累了,不能理性地思考问题。Humans are essentially rational beings.人在本质上是理性动物。The debate soon lost all semblance of rationality.辩论很快变成一场理性荡然无存的争吵。Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications.没有几个大臣具备理解这些后果所需要的理性或直觉。He's becoming the thinking woman's pin-up.他正成为理性妇女的偶像。Then people start drinking and sense goes out of the window.人们开始喝酒,理性不复存在。The market is behaving irrationally.市场已失去了理性Priestley's rational outlook in science carried over to religion.普里斯特利在科学上的理性世界观延伸到了宗教思想上。He was so frightened that it was impossible for him to think rationally.他当时非常害怕,不可能理性地思考。Look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision.看看问题的正反两面,再理性决策。Let's try and discuss this like two rational human beings.我们两个人都要保持理性,好好谈谈这个问题吧。I work on the assumption that people are rational beings.我的研究以人是理性动物这一假设为基础。Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.拉夫桑贾尼一直考虑通过各种方式使货币市场趋于理性Reason defines man.理性是人的特点。By that point in the argument, reason had gone out the window.辩论到了那种时候,已经不存在任何理性了。His appeal to reason and common sense was what finally carried the day.诉诸理性和常理是他最终取胜的原因。When you're confronted with the problem, emotions kick in, fear kicks in, and you don't always do the rational and thought-out approach.当面临这个问题时,人会变得情绪激动、恐惧不安,你不一定总能采取理性且慎重的方法。I tended to mistrust my emotions and intellectualize everything.我往往不信任自己的情感,事事都理性对待。Art should appeal to the senses rather than the intellect.艺术应打动感官而非激发理性He has been a voice of moderation. 他一直是个理性温和的人。They adopted a sensible, middle-of-the-road policy on defence spending.他们在国防开支上采取了理性务实的温和政策。Joyce's books seem designed to appeal to the intellect rather than the emotions.乔伊斯的作品似乎要吸引人的理性而非感性。Human beings possess the power of reason.人类拥有理性He performed his duties faithfully and governed his passions rationally.他恪尽职守,理性地克制着自己的热情。Sometimes I wish he was more passionate, not so rational about everything.有时我希望他能够更冲动些,不要凡事都那么理性Let's keep things in proportion. You should be able to wait one more day after you have waited two months already.我们应该理性地处理问题,你都已经等了两个月了,再多等一天也未尝不可。When the final vote came, rationality took over.最后一轮投票时,理性占了上风。After his anger had subsided, he was able to look at things rationally.怒气平息后,他能理性地看待事物。I hope we can introduce some rationality into these debates.我希望我们能让这些争论变得理性一些。But the rock star, whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars, is older and wiser now.这个摇滚歌星以前常耍诸如摔碎吉他之类的噱头,但是随着年龄增长,他现在变得理性多了。White was both visionary and rationalist.怀特既有远见又充满理性




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