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词汇 明确地
例句 I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.明确地告诉她来这儿怎么走。Aunt Fay was angry and said so in as many words.费伊姑妈很气愤,并且明确地说出来了。She always manages to assert her point of view.她总是能明确地说出自己的观点。Let me explain to you precisely what I am going to do.我来明确地告诉你我要干什么。I'm making it blatantly clear here and now that this is unacceptable.在此我明确地表示,这是令人无法接受的。His comments were a clear hint that tax rises might be necessary.他的评论明确地暗示可能需要加税。The newspaper specifically denounced the new tax.这家报纸明确地谴责这项新税。We were specifically warned against buying the house.有人明确地警告我们不要买这所房子。I specifically said that I wouldn't be coming.明确地说我不会来。His tone conveyed an unmistakable warning.他的语气明确地传达出警告的意味。It was his express wish that we should attend.明确地表示希望我们出席。He expressly rejected my request.明确地拒绝我的要求。She was told in no uncertain terms that she would have to accept the deal.她被明确地告知她必须接受这项协议。He asserted his ideas loudly and clearly.他大声明确地说出自己的想法。The president of Kazakhstan unambiguously condemned the coup.哈萨克斯坦总统明确地谴责了政变。Stating your objectives clearly will be a great help in organizing the research.在组织研究工作的时候,明确地规定目标是很有帮助的。He gave a broad hint that he was on the verge of leaving.明确地示意他即将离开。He said quite positively that he would come.他很明确地说他会来的。I specifically remember her saying she would be visiting today.明确地记得她说过今天要来拜访的。I let them know in no uncertain terms how disappointed I was.明确地让他们知道我是多么失望。The blame was placed squarely on the doctor.责任明确地落在医生身上。She has made it abundantly/painfully/very clear that she does not support us.她已很明确地表示不支持我们。I can definitely promise you that I'll do all I can to help.我可以明确地向你保证,我将尽我所能提供帮助。The politicians were setting out their stalls for the election.政治家们明确地表明自己的选举意图。Justice Cohen stated clearly that no further action would be taken.科恩法官明确地说明,不会有进一步的行动。He categorically denies the charges.明确地否认了那些指控。Scientists proved emphatically that there was a link between smoking and cancer.科学家很明确地证实了吸烟与癌症之间有联系。Forensic evidence points the finger of suspicion firmly at him.法医的证据将怀疑的矛头明确地指向了他。My mother told me in no uncertain terms to never say that word again!我母亲明确地告诉我永远别再说那句话!It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这几乎明确地预示着北大西洋公约组织的终结。She answered unequivocally.明确地作出了回答。The Republicans’ goals for the year are clearly set out in the party platform.共和党在政纲里明确地陈述了本年度的目标。The study clearly demonstrates the link between juvenile delinquency and child abuse.该研究明确地证实了少年犯罪与虐待儿童之间的关系。She could not put her finger definitely on the moment when it began.她不能明确地指出那是什么时候开始的。You should clearly state your main idea at the beginning of the essay.你应该在文章的开头就明确地阐明自己的主旨。He made it apparent that he was very annoyed.明确地表示他很烦恼。He gave his clearest indication yet that he will keep racing.他迄今为止最明确地表示自己会继续竞赛。The main political parties need to be much more explicit about their policies for the environment.这些主要的政党得更为明确地说明一下他们在环境保护方面的政策。He has clearly committed his government to continuing down the path of economic reform.明确地作出保证,他的政府会继续在经济改革的道路上走下去。The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land.该计划没有明确地支持土地私有制。




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