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词汇 tangled
例句 His personal life has become more tangled than ever.他的个人生活比以前更混乱了。The concrete highway was edged with tangled dry grass.水泥公路两旁是杂乱的干草。My foot got tangled in the rope.我的脚被绳子缠住了。Stretch the rope out to stop it getting twisted and tangled up.把绳子拉开,以免缠结在一起。The electrical cord was tangled in knots.这些电线绞成了一团。She smoothed down her tangled curls.她把蓬乱的鬈发理顺。The two countries are embroiled in a tangled legal battle over the tariffs.两国因关税问题卷入了一场错综复杂的官司。She ran a comb through her tangled hair.她用梳子梳理乱蓬蓬的头发。Relationships are often a tangled web at the best of times.即使在最好的情况下,关系也是错综复杂的。He pulled explosives and some tangled cord from his bag.他从他的包里掏出炸药和一些乱糟糟的绳子。My hair got all tangled.我的头发乱七八糟的。The straps are all tangled up together.带子全缠在一起了。Her pocketknife came in useful when we needed to cut the tangled fishing line.当我们需要将打结的渔线割断时,她的小刀派上了用场。Her tangled hair hid her face.乱糟糟的头发遮住了她的脸。His legs became tangled in the net, and he was unable to free himself.他的双腿被网缠住了,他无法脱身。He described it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale.他说那是一个非常曲折复杂的故事。Lee and I fell in a tangled heap.李和我扭作一团,摔倒在地。I was not about to get tangled up in their argument.我不想掺和到他们的争执中去。She smoothed down her tangled hair.她向下捋了捋打结的头发。He had hair like tangled string.他的头发就像一团乱麻绳。My legs got hopelessly tangled in the rope.我的双腿被绳子死死缠住。While it was still wet, I gently teased out the tangled knots in Rosie's hair.趁罗茜的头发还是湿的,我轻轻地用手指把她打了结的头发梳理开。He ran a hand through his tangled hair.他用一只手把自己的乱发拢了拢。Politicians normally avoid getting tangled up in anything to do with their electorate's savings.政治家们通常都避免卷进任何与选民储蓄有关的事情里去。The typewriter ribbon became tangled on the rewind.打字机色带在倒带时缠结在一起了。The little girl tangled the yarn her mother was knitting.小女孩把她妈妈在编结的毛线弄得纠结在一起了。Your bedclothes are all tangled up.你的床褥乱糟糟的。The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz's epic storytelling.马赫福兹先生讲述的故事过于宏大,主题有些混乱了。Many passengers were trapped in the tangled mass of steel.许多旅客被困在那一堆缠绕在一起的钢铁之中。She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches.她被一堆乱七八糟的木头和树枝困在了中间。My feet kept getting tangled up in vines.我的脚不断被蔓藤绊住。Her hair was a tangled mess.她的头发乱成一团。He had hair like tangled yellow string.他的头发像一团黄线一样乱蓬蓬的。One end of the rope was tangled.绳子的一端打了结。His parachute became tangled in the wheels of the plane.他的降落伞缠在了飞机的轮子上。He got tangled up in legal problems.他陷入了法律纠纷。Her hair had loosened and was tangled around her shoulders.她的头发打了开来,散乱地披在肩上。Dolphins often get tangled in the nets that are used to catch tuna fish.海豚常常被缠在捕金枪鱼的网中。She ran a hand through her tangled hair.她用一只手梳理她缠在一起的头发。A movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth.杂乱的灌木丛里的动静引起了他的注意。




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