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词汇 时刻
例句 Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground.制造业的就业机会相对很少,但是我时刻留意着信息。This is a moment that will be remembered and celebrated for years to come.这一时刻将永远被铭记和赞美。Doctors are ready and waiting to give help when it's needed.医生们时刻待命,在需要时给予帮助。My nerves were constantly on edge.我的神经时刻处于紧绷状态。In times of crisis, you find out who your real friends are.在危难时刻就会看出谁是你真正的朋友。Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to mark the occasion.数十万人走上街头庆祝这一时刻It was the high point of his footballing career.这是他足球生涯的辉煌时刻The weather kept changing from one moment to the next. = The weather kept changing from moment to moment. 天气时刻都在变化。It is physically impossible to be in two places at the same time.在同一时刻身处两地在现实生活中是不可能的。She was already dreading the moment of parting.她已经在害怕离别时刻的到来。He's been travelling, but he's kept up with what's going on back home.虽然一直在旅行,但他时刻关注着国内发生的事情。We are witnessing a historic moment.我们在亲历一个历史性时刻The traffic was relatively light at this hour.来往的行人车辆在这个时刻比较稀少。You need to be aware of what you are doing at any given moment.你要时刻清楚自己在干些什么。All transport operations, whether by sea, rail or road, are closely monitored at all times.所有的交通活动,无论是通过海路、铁路还是公路,都时刻受到密切监视。A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times.刚学步的孩子时刻需要寸步不离的照看,并要牢牢看紧。He plays well without pressure, but can he produce at crunch time?他在没有压力的情况下打得很好,可是在困难时刻还能表现得同样好吗?The big time beckons for him.辉煌时刻在向他召唤。She little knew how soon that time would come.她几乎不知道那个时刻什么时候会到来。Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.狗必须时刻用牵狗带牵着。A good doctor should always concern himself with the health of his patients.一位好医生应时刻关心病人的健康。To be successful in business, you must keep in touch with the market.要做好生意,就必须时刻关注市场。The boss made regular inspections in order to keep employees on their toes.老板进行定期检查是为了使员工时刻打起精神。For some inexplicable reason, she chose that moment to break the news.由于某些费解的原因,她选择了那一时刻来披露这个消息。The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate.公众对危难时刻的呼吁表现得慷慨大方、富有同情心。A faithful friend helps in times of trouble.一个忠实的朋友在困难时刻会帮助你。The nuclear sword of Damocles hangs over the region by a thread.该地区时刻面临的核威胁犹如悬在一根细线上的达摩克里斯之剑。This is a historic moment.这是一个历史性时刻At that moment, Sally knocked over her glass of wine.在那一时刻,萨莉把她的酒杯碰翻了。Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.我和史蒂夫成了知己,几乎时刻相伴。We were all ready at the appointed time/hour.我们在约定的时间/时刻一切都准备好了。It was a crowning moment in his presidency.那是他在总统任期内的巅峰时刻When sailing, keep a constant check on changes in wind direction.航行时要时刻检查风向。When you're driving in winter you should always be on the watch for ice on the roads.冬天开车时,应该时刻注意结冰的路面。The show looks at some of the lighter moments from the world of politics.这个节目着眼于政界一些较为轻松的时刻The right music sets the mood for such a great moment.合适的音乐能为如此重大的时刻营造气氛。She will need a lot of emotional support at this difficult time.在这种艰难时刻,她需要大量的情感支持。You'll spend your entire time worrying.你会时刻感到不安的。Everyone's always scheming and plotting.人人时刻都在谋划着。If you like to keep abreast of fashionable leisure activities, you should know that private dining clubs seem to be the coming thing.如果你时刻关注时尚休闲活动,那你就应该知道,私人餐饮会所似乎是越来越流行了。




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