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词汇 collapsed
例句 Negotiations have completely collapsed.谈判彻底破裂了。Many buildings collapsed under the weight of the ash.许多建筑物在泥灰的重压下都倒塌了。The patient was collapsed and unresponsive when he was brought into hospital. 病人被送到医院时处于昏迷状态,没有反应。He had barely reached the door when he collapsed.他还没到达门口就倒下了。Hundreds of refugees collapsed from hunger and thirst.成百上千的难民饥渴难耐瘫倒在地。A man had collapsed on the hospital steps.一名男子在医院的台阶上突然昏倒了。He collapsed in a heap on the floor.他瘫倒在地,蜷作一团。The luxury car market has collapsed.豪华汽车市场瘫痪了。We all collapsed into giggles.我们都忍不住吃吃地笑了起来。The theory collapsed in the face of the evidence.在证据面前,这一推测不成立。It seemed to happen all of a sudden - I felt dizzy and I just collapsed.一切似乎都发生得很突然——我觉得头晕,然后就晕倒了。He collapsed in a drunken stupor.他酒喝得不省人事而倒在地上。He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home.他在家中剧烈运动后体力不支倒下了。The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. 这个屋顶在积雪的重压下坍塌了。They collapsed in a huddle.他们七倒八歪地昏倒在一起。Oil prices had collapsed.石油价格暴跌。Come quickly, one of the passengers has collapsed.快来,有位乘客昏倒了。The load on the walls was too great and they collapsed.这些墙荷载过大,都塌了。One of the horses collapsed from exhaustion after the race.其中一匹马在比赛后因精疲力竭而倒下了。Only four people managed to escape before the roof collapsed.只有四人得以在屋顶坍塌之前逃了出来。!Talks between management and unions have collapsed.劳资谈判彻底破裂。An unnamed man collapsed and died while he was walking near Dundonald.一个不知姓名的人在邓唐纳德附近走着走着突然倒地而亡。He collapsed on stage during the performance and had to be rushed to the hospital.他演出时昏倒在舞台上,不得不立刻被送往医院。His legs buckled and he collapsed on the floor.他双腿一软倒在了地板上。In the social upheavals the disciplines, such as food rationing, collapsed.在社会大动乱中,粮食配给一类的规章制度全都荡然无存。The exhausted dancers collapsed as they stepped off the stage.精疲力竭的舞蹈演员走下舞台时瘫倒在地上。Their ideal society collapsed around them into the Terror and then into the Counterrevolution.他们所处的理想社会崩溃了,社会进入恐怖时期,接着是反革命时期。The tunnel collapsed on top of the miners.矿工头顶上的平硐坍塌了。I lost my job and it was like my world collapsed.我丢了工作,我的世界好像都垮掉了。She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa.她下班回到家便倒在了沙发上。Lots of people lost their jobs when the property market collapsed.房地产市场崩溃后,许多人丢了工作。She collapsed with shock.她由于休克而晕倒。His campaign collapsed about his ears.他的竞选运动一败涂地。A sharp pain hit the middle of my chest and I collapsed.我的胸部正中一阵剧痛,然后我便晕倒了。After Atkins collapsed and lost consciousness at work, she was sent to the hospital for a scan.阿特金斯在工作中晕倒后不省人事,被送到医院做扫描检查。Without slave labour / labor, the tobacco industry would have collapsed.没有奴隶的劳动,烟草业早就破产了。We both collapsed into helpless giggles.我俩都忍俊不禁,咯咯笑了起来。Their marriage had collapsed.他们的婚姻业已破裂。He collapsed with a heart attack while he was dancing.他跳舞时因心脏病突发而倒下了。Some trains were so overloaded that their suspension collapsed.一些列车严重超载,结果悬架都断裂了。




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