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词汇 无罪
例句 Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.无罪的人开头炮。The prisoners continued to protest their innocence.犯人们一再申明他们无罪Last week a special prosecutor ruled that the three officials were blameless.上周一名特别检控官裁定那三名官员无罪All the defendants were acquitted.所有被告都被判无罪The jury found him not guilty.陪审团裁定他无罪Hodge was found not guilty by reason of insanity.霍奇因精神失常被判无罪Eyewitnesses to the accident completely exonerated the driver.事故的一些目击者证明司机完全无罪He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.他由于精神失常而被判无罪American justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty.美国司法的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是无罪的。The presumption of innocence is central to American law.美国法律的核心是无罪假定。He asserted his belief that she was not guilty.他坚称自己确信她无罪The judge directed the jury to return a not guilty verdit.法官引导陪审团作出无罪的裁决。We believe Caroline Connely is innocent, but her silence could count against her in a court.我们相信卡罗琳·康奈利是无罪的,但她的沉默可能在法庭上对她不利。The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.法官指引陪审团作出了无罪裁决。He repeated his assertions that he was not guilty.他语气坚定地重复说他无罪The defendant maintains his innocence.被告坚称自己无罪After several hours the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.几小时之后陪审团宣布了无罪的判决。He pled not guilty by reason of insanity. 他在法庭上以精神错乱为由申辩无罪The jury's not guilty verdict was criticized all over the country.陪审团无罪的裁定受到全国民众的批评。He retracted his confession and pleaded not guilty.他翻供,并申辩无罪She repeated her bald assertion that her son was not guilty of the crime.她毫不掩饰地反复坚称自己的儿子无罪The foreman stated that the jury found the defendant not guilty.陪审团主席宣布说陪审团认定被告无罪We find the defendant not guilty.我们裁决被告无罪The judge directed the jury to find her not guilty.法官指示陪审团判她无罪His urgent pleas of innocence made no difference to the judge's decision.他一再申辩自己无罪,却无法改变法官的判决。The judge found him not guilty by reason of insanity.该法官由于他有精神病而判他无罪He claims he has evidence which could prove his innocence.他声称有证据可以证明自己无罪The defendant is presumed innocent until proved guilty.被告在被证明有罪之前是被假定为无罪的。He has maintained his innocence throughout the trial.整个审理过程中他坚称自己无罪The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty.陪审团做出无罪裁决。She was acquitted of the murder of her husband. = She was acquitted of murdering her husband.谋杀丈夫的罪名不成立,她被判无罪The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. 陪审团做出无罪宣判。The jury acquitted the defendant because there wasn't enough evidence to convict him of the crime.陪审团宣布被告无罪,因为没有足够的证据给他定罪。The book attempts to prove that they were not guilty.这本书试图证明他们无罪He was suspected in the bank robbery, but the police gave him a clean bill of health.他有参加抢劫银行的嫌疑,可是警察当局证明他无罪His lawyer's assurances that he would be found not guilty did little to calm him.律师保证他无罪,但未能令他镇定下来。We had incontestable proof of her innocence.我们有她无罪的铁证。They must be presumed innocent until proven guilty.直到被证明有罪之前,他们应被假定无罪His lawyers are confident that the judges will declare Mr Stevens innocent.史蒂文斯先生的律师们确信法官将宣告他无罪He maintained his innocence throughout the trial.在审判中他自始至终坚称自己无罪




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