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词汇 slogged
例句 The load was heavy, but regardless, the car slogged on.车子尽管重载,还是拼命往前开。He slogged away at the paperwork all day.他整天都忙于文案工作。She slogged through her work.她辛勤地工作。We slogged through the mud of an early spring thaw.我们在初春解冻时节的泥泞中艰难行进。After having fallen out with his son, the solitary old man slogged along on his way home.在与儿子争吵之后,那位孤独的老人步履维艰地走路回家。She has slogged her way through ballet classes since the age of six.她从六岁开始就一直苦学芭蕾。Edward slogged away, always learning.爱德华非常努力,总是在学习。She slogged her way through her work.她辛勤地工作。Both teams slogged it out, knowing the next scorer would more than likely win the title.两队在竭力奋战,他们知道下一个进球者将很有可能赢得冠军。They slogged their way through the snow.他们在雪地中艰难前行。He slogged through the deep snow.他在深深的积雪里艰难行进。




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