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词汇 施展
例句 I knew a fellow who lived for years by his wits.我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子。I nagged him for a week and used all my feminine charm.我缠了他一周,施展了我所有的女性魅力。He has no scope for his particular talents.他没有施展自己特殊才能的机会。She exerted a lot of behind-the-scenes influence when the project was being planned.在这一项目的策划过程中,她施展了强大的幕后影响力。He needs these people to fulfill his ambitions and reciprocates by bringing out the best in each of them.他需要这些人去实现他的雄心壮志,作为回报,他也会让他们充分施展各自的才能。He used his talents and abilities to the full.他充分施展了他的才能。He maneuvered his way into her heart. 施展手段获得了她的芳心。He can certainly turn on the charm when he wants to!只要他想,他必定能施展他的魅力!She tried everything in an attempt to evoke sympathy and pity from her parents.施展浑身解数试图激起父母的同情和怜悯。She used her full arsenal of charm.施展出媚人的浑身解数。Her mother encouraged her to use her feminine charm, to be coy and alluring.她母亲鼓励她施展女性的魅力,要装出娇羞迷人的样子。She has found an outlet for her talents in the writing of a clever and humorous novel.她在创作一部构思巧妙、语言幽默的小说时找到了施展自己天赋的途径。He's trying to fulfill himself as an artist.作为一名艺术家,他正在努力施展自己的才华。He was underemployed and not satisfied with his work.他的才干得不到充分施展,因此他不满意自己的工作。All that was left was to plant the roses and wait for nature to do her stuff.剩下的就只是栽上玫瑰,然后等大自然施展她的神奇魔力。The town accused her of witchcraft and necromancy.镇上居民指责她施展巫术。Steve likes to hotdog down the ski slopes.史蒂夫喜欢在斜坡滑雪道上施展他的绝妙本领。I had to use all my charms to get them to lend us the hall.我不得不施展出所有魅力让他们把礼堂借给我们。Our school aims to bring out the talents in each of our students.我们学校的目标是让每一名学生的才华都能得以施展She is just trying to finesse the issue.她正设法施展手段解决这个问题。He is using his talents to the maximum.他正在最大限度地施展自己的才华。She used a mixture of persuasion and flattery to get what she wanted.施展劝说加奉承的功夫获得自己想要的东西。Frost had displayed his usual matey charm as the pair sipped orange juice on national TV.两个人在国家电视台节目上小口喝着橙汁的时候,弗罗斯特施展了他一贯的亲和魅力。Her capabilities were always there; she only needed an opening to show them.她一直都很有能力;她需要的只是一次施展能力的好机会。He can't find a market for his skills.他未能找到施展才干的地方。He filibustered the proposed law to death in the last session of Congress.在国会上一次开会时他施展阻挠手段把提出的法案扼杀了。Her talent is underused.她的才干未得到充分施展Some people might think I've underachieved in my job.有些人可能会认为我的才华在目前的工作中没能充分施展出来。The president will need to use all her political guile to stay in power.这位总统要想继续掌权就要施展她全部政治手段和伎俩。The role will allow her to flex her acting muscles.这个角色可以让她施展自己的表演才能。They are filibustering to delay the vote.他们正施展阻挠手段拖延投票。I don't think his job really stretches him sufficiently.我觉得他的工作没有使他真正充分地施展出自己的本领。They filibustered the bill for over a week.他们施展阻挠手段使议案拖延了一周多。




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