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词汇 方框
例句 Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive such mailings.如果你不想收到此类邮件,请在这个方框里打钩。The created box is centered at the origin.创建的方框基于原点居中。Tick it off in the box.在它旁边的方框处打钩。After you type your name in the first box, you can move to the next box by tabbing.将名字录入第一个方框后,可按跳格键移至下一个方框Place a tick in the appropriate box.在相应的方框里打钩。Tick the appropriate box.在合适的方框中打钩。The pencil line connects one box to another.铅笔线把一个方框与另一个方框连起来。Enter your details here in this box, like so.把你的详细资料输到这个方框里,就像这样。If you would like more information, put an X in the box.如果你需要更多的信息,请在这个方框内打钩。When you have selected the file you want, click the "Open" box.选中了你想要的文件,用鼠标点击“打开”方框Write your social security number in the appropriate box of the tax form.在报税表上适当的方框里填上你的社会保障号码。Tick the appropriate box below.在下面相应的方框中打钩。To take advantage of this extra bonus offer, simply tick the box on your order form.要得到这项额外优惠,只要在订单上的方框里打个钩就行了。The boxes are connected by lines that show their mathematical relationships.这些方框都用线条连了起来,表明其数学关系。The box on the left gives a short history of the battle.左边方框内简要介绍了这场战役的经过。To take advantage of this extra bonus offer, simply check the box on your order form.想要获得这个特惠,只需在订货单上的方框内打钩即可。There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates.上面的墙上挂着日历,日期上画着大大的方框




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