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词汇 新衣服
例句 Those were lean times, and our family couldn't afford new clothes.那时是生活拮据的时期,我们家根本买不起新衣服She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones.她个头长得太快,衣服很快就穿不下了,所以帕齐只好一直买新衣服His parents had bought him a new suit of clothes for the occasion.他父母给他买了一套应景的新衣服He looked very dashing in his new suit.他穿著那套新衣服显得很有精神。Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check?你喜欢用什么布做新衣服?条子布还是格子布?I would buy a new suit, except I don't have enough money.要不是钱不够,我就买套新衣服了。He looked cool in his new clothes.他穿着新衣服帅极了。They made fun of the girls and their new outfits.他们取笑那些女孩子和她们的新衣服As Sally approached wearing her new dress, the others exchanged glances and tried not to laugh.萨莉穿着新衣服走过来时,其他人都互换眼色,尽量忍着不笑出来。They fitted the orphan out with a new suit.他们给那孤儿置了一套新衣服She is an indulgent mother, ever ready to provide new clothes.她是个溺爱的母亲,随时准备为子女添置新衣服Every time I see her she's wearing something new. She must have money to burn.我每次看到她时,她都穿着新衣服。她肯定钱多得花不完了。You can win a complete new wardrobe.你可以赢得一大批新衣服She helped him choose some new clothes.她帮他挑了一些新衣服He tries to avoid trendiness when he buys new clothes.他买新衣服时尽量避免赶时髦。Her family were so poor they couldn't afford to buy her new clothes.她家很穷,买不起新衣服给她。I never had anything new to wear as a child, only a cousin's cast-offs.我小时候从没穿过新衣服,总是拾表姐的旧衣服。You're looking very spruce in your new suit.你穿了一套新衣服,样子十分整洁漂亮。Get him in his new clothes!瞧瞧他穿新衣服啦!Go on, tell him you like his new suit. It'll make his day!去吧,跟他说你喜欢他这套新衣服,他会非常高兴的!I need to buy some new clothes.我需要买一些新衣服Geraldine was married to the richest man in France and still pretended she couldn't afford a new outfit.杰拉尔丁嫁给了法国最有钱的人,可是仍装作买不起一套新衣服He looked very spruce in his new suit.他穿了一套新衣服,样子很帅。I need some new clothes for the summer.我需要几件夏天穿的新衣服He complimented her on her new dress.他称赞她的新衣服漂亮。We were too poor to buy new clothes.我们太穷了,买不起新衣服Do you think this hat would go with my new dress?你觉得这帽子和我的新衣服相配吗? My new dress is pale blue, with a dark blue slash in the sleeves.我的新衣服是淡蓝色的,在袖口上有一个深蓝色的装饰性开叉。Go on, treat yourself to a new dress.来吧,买件新衣服犒劳一下自己。She wore a new outfit with a complementary scarf.她穿了一身新衣服,还配了一条围巾。Mary looked remarkably fetching this evening in her new dress.今晚玛丽穿了一身新衣服,显得格外动人。You look devastating in that new dress.你穿那套新衣服看上去漂亮极了。He took a cold shower and then towelled off before he put on fresh clothes.他冲了个凉水澡,用毛巾擦干身子后换上了新衣服I'd love to know what his income is. He has so many new clothes and such an expensive car.我想知道他的收入是多少。他有这么多新衣服,还有这么昂贵的一部汽车。I bought myself a new suit.我给自己买了套新衣服He's being measured for a new suit.他正在为做新衣服量尺寸。My mother had to make some alterations in her new dress.我母亲得替她的新衣服作些修改。Just getting a new hairstyle and new outfit made a big difference to my confidence.做一个新发型,换一套新衣服,我的信心就大不一样了。To boost my confidence I went for a haircut and bought some new clothes.为了增强自信心,我去理了发,又买了几件新衣服Kyle went out and bought a new suit for his job interview.凯尔出去为求职面试而买了一套新衣服




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