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词汇 新星
例句 His house became a repair for rising politicians.他的住处成了政界新星的聚会场所。The newspapers have been singing the praises of Italy's new star player.报纸一直在夸赞这位意大利的体育新星He is a rising star in the world of politics.他是世界政坛升起的新星The cast includes several established stars, as well as two talented newcomers.演员阵容中包括几位知名的明星,也包括两位才华横溢的新星She is one of the rising stars in the political firmament.她是政界冉冉升起的新星之一。He's an exciting new talent on the classical music scene.他是古典音乐界一颗令人激动的新星He was a young star from the moment he arrived - everybody thought he was a comer. 他刚出道时就是一颗新星,所有人都认为他会成功。The captain had to share the spotlight with the new young star.队长不得不和这名年轻的新星分享公众的关注。The new star is certain to set young girls' hearts fluttering.这位新星肯定会使姑娘们心颤神往。




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