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词汇 新意
例句 The service was attentive, the food acceptable but somewhat uninspiring.服务很周到,食物勉强可以,但没什么新意This is painting by numbers - there's nothing original here.这是一幅很死板的画——毫无新意The menu was uninspired.这份菜单缺少新意I was disappointed by the unoriginality of the book's plot.我对书中缺少新意的情节感到失望。That's not a very original suggestion.那个建议没什么新意I found his writing extremely arid.我觉得他写的东西毫无新意These are things which can not be staled by repetition.这些东西不会因为重复而失去新意The characters in the book are just stereotypes.书中的人物毫无新意And however unoriginal, it may be no idle conceit to suppose that today things have gotten worse.尽管没什么新意,但认为现在世风日下这一观点可能并非毫无意义。Too much time has been wasted in sterile debate.在毫无新意的辩论上已经浪费了太多时间。An author must have rich invention to think up new ideas for stories.作家必须具有丰富的创造力,才能为故事构思出新意She gazed out of the window at the dreary landscape.她茫然地看着窗外毫无新意的风景。He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions.他称这座新楼的风格毫无新意,并说它只不过是对古典传统建筑的拙劣模仿。The phony glamour of night clubs soon became stale and boring.夜总会那种虚假的荣华不久便失去了新意而使人生厌。The service is great but the menu is unimaginative.这里的服务挺好,但菜品缺少新意The editor criticized the author's work as trite.编辑批评那位作家的作品毫无新意The script is depressingly predictable.这个剧本毫无新意,真令人沮丧。We were always trying to be creative and to shock.那时我们总是想搞点儿新意,以求惊世骇俗。Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould.追悼仪式已变得冗长乏味、毫无新意,我想为打破这种既有模式做点什么。You can take it as read that there's nothing really new in their proposal.你可以肯定他们的建议没有任何真正的新意The movie was completely unoriginal.这部电影毫无新意There was nothing remotely new in this idea.这个观点毫无新意Her speech was full of grandiloquent language, but it contained no new ideas.她的演讲虽然充满了华丽的词藻,但却没有什么新意An author must have invention to think up new ideas for stories.作家必须具有为故事构思新意的创造力。They thought the feminist label was too worthy.他们觉得女权主义者这个称呼太没新意了。The book is altogether lacking in originality.这本书完全没有新意A number of critics found the film derivative and predictable.一些评论家认为这部电影模仿痕迹重且毫无新意There are some very obvious phrases that we all know or certainly should know better than to use.我们都知道或是肯定应该知道有些说法已毫无新意,最好避免使用。Much of her writing was commonplace and boring.她的文章很多是老生常谈,毫无新意The singer managed to breathe life into some tired old songs.这位歌手把老土的歌唱出了新意




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