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词汇 coffee
例句 I dumped the coffee down the drain.我把咖啡倒入下水道了。I'm sorry, I'm fresh out of coffee.对不起,咖啡刚用完。Paul managed to keep awake by drinking lots of strong black coffee.保罗喝了许多浓的清咖啡来赶走睡意。Do you take sugar in your coffee?你喝咖啡加糖吗?They stayed in the restaurant, lingering over coffee.他们待在餐馆里,不紧不慢地喝咖啡。He stirred his coffee with a spoon.他用一把小勺搅着自己的咖啡。His right arm was extended up beside his head, still holding on to a coffee cup.他的右臂伸在头的一侧,手里仍紧握着一个咖啡杯。Since when has it been against the rules to have a coffee break?从什么时候开始工间喝咖啡休息变成违反规定了?The full flavour of the coffee will remain sealed in until the tin is opened.在打开罐头之前,咖啡不会走味。The coffee is horrible - really weak and watery.这咖啡味道不好—很淡,像水一样。The villagers grow coffee and maize to sell in the market.村民们种植咖啡和玉米到市场上卖钱。She had her handbag snatched as she sat having a coffee.她坐着喝咖啡的时候手提包被抢了。Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.既然等火车还需要几分钟,我们去喝杯咖啡吧。She creamed the coffee and handed it to him.她往咖啡中加了奶油,然后递给他。I waited for the coffee to percolate for a few minutes.我等咖啡滤煮了几分钟。We've already used two jars of coffee.我们已经用了两罐咖啡了。We bought a muffin at the hotel's coffee shop.我们在这家酒店的小咖啡厅里买了一块松饼。He ordered coffee to be sent up.他要了份咖啡送上去。The paintwork, the wardrobes and the bedside cupboards were coffee-cream.漆面、衣柜和床头柜是浅咖啡色的。She switched off the coffee-machine.她关掉了咖啡机。I imagined our friendly exchanges at the coffee machine becoming a little more terse in future weeks.我觉得再过几个星期我们在咖啡机旁的友好交谈就会变得更简短一些。Under a wide shelf that holds coffee jars stands a pile of magazines.放咖啡罐的一个宽架子下方有一摞杂志。Could I interest you in another cup of coffee? 可否再请你喝一杯咖啡?The smell of coffee drowned the sea smell.咖啡的气味压过海水的潮腥气。Hang on while I grab a cup of coffee.你等一等,我赶紧喝杯咖啡。Mathew picked up the cup and sipped his coffee.马修拿起杯子抿了口咖啡。He was sitting at the big table cradling a large bowl of milky coffee.他坐在一张大桌子旁,手里捧着一大碗加了牛奶的咖啡。Keep the pot level, or you'll spill the coffee.把壶端平,否则会把咖啡洒出来。Falling coffee prices have impoverished many Third World economies.下降的咖啡价格使很多第三世界国家的经济面临窘境。We had a faculty meeting at 2 p.m. and a lecture later, with a 15-minute coffee break between.午后二时我们开教师会议,而后有一个讲座,在此之间我们有十五分钟喝咖啡休息。The effect on coffee prices has been disastrous for the producers.对咖啡价格的影响对生产商而言是灾难性的。Isat down and warmed my hands with a cup of hot coffee.我坐了下来,用一杯热咖啡暖暖手。Most farmers now produce cash crops such as coffee and tobacco for the export market.现在大多数农民种植咖啡、烟草之类供出口的经济作物。She sweetened her coffee.她在咖啡里放了糖。First I locked my keys in the car, and then I spilled coffee all over myself. It was just one thing after another today!先是我把钥匙锁在了车里,然后又把咖啡洒了一身。今天的倒霉事真是一件接一件!He had spilled coffee on his tie.他把咖啡洒到领带上了。She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.她倒地时撞到我们的咖啡桌上,额头起了个大包。When we were younger, we used not to be allowed to drink coffee.我们小的时候是不让喝咖啡的。Catering tents provide coffee, snacks, and other light refreshments.饮食供应棚提供咖啡、小吃和其他小点心。We don't sell newspapers - have you tried the coffee shop on the corner?我们不卖报纸,你去拐角处的那家商店问过吗?




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