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词汇 文案工作
例句 In addition to their normal teaching duties, teachers these days have stacks of paperwork to do.如今的教师除了正常的教学任务之外,还要做大量的文案工作Because of the new laws, we were swamped with paperwork.由于新的法律出台,文案工作多得令我们难以招架。There's still a lot of paperwork to be gotten through.仍有大量的文案工作要做。His new writing job wedded his love of words and/to his eye for fashion.他新的这份文案工作把他对文字的热爱和他的时尚眼光结合在了一起。She got her feet wet at her new job by doing some simple filing tasks.她通过做一些简单的文案工作慢慢熟悉新工作。They are regularly sent booklets about personal safety, but they barely read them as they have so much paperwork to deal with.他们经常会收到关于人身安全问题的宣传册,但因为大量文案工作缠身,他们几乎无暇阅读。I hate paperwork as a general rule .一般情况下我是讨厌做文案工作的。I've left the paperwork for you.我把文案工作留给了你。He slogged away at the paperwork all day.他整天都忙于文案工作I've got mountains of paperwork to deal with.我有大量文案工作要做。He was no longer scornful of the desk job.他不再鄙视文案工作了。




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