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词汇 文明社会
例句 This sort of behaviour is quite unacceptable in a civilized society.这种行为在文明社会是无法容忍的。A civilized society must respond to crime with fairness and justice.文明社会对待犯罪活动必须公平公正。These actions cannot be considered remotely acceptable in a civilized society.这些行为在文明社会中是完全无法接受的。Such things should not happen in a civilized society.文明社会不应该发生这种事情。The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.文明社会的标志是照顾弱势群体。He believes that religion is the foundation of a civilized society.他相信宗教是文明社会的基础。The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.如何对待少数群体,这是对任何一个文明社会的考验。The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.文明社会的特征是照顾最弱势群体。Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.这样残暴的惩罚会在文明社会引起反感。That is something which we should not be ready to tolerate in a civilized society.那种事情乃是我们在文明社会中所不愿容忍的。Terrorism is totally unacceptable in a civilised world.文明社会是绝对不能接受恐怖主义的。After a week in the mountains all I wanted to do was get back to civilization.在山里呆了一个星期,我唯一想做的就是回到文明社会中。This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society.这种残忍地对待动物的行为是任何一个文明社会都不能容忍的。To be cast out from civilization was the worst fate that could possibly befall me.文明社会抛弃是可能降临在我身上的最悲惨的命运。A fair justice system is a fundamental part of a civilized society.公正的司法制度是文明社会非常重要的一部分。A civilized society does not solve conflicts in a way that causes so much suffering.文明社会不会以造成那么多苦难的方式来解决冲突。One of the pillars of a civilized society must be that everyone has equal access to the legal system.文明社会的基础之一就是法律面前人人平等。The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.古代中美洲和拉丁美洲的文明社会是建立在玉米之上的。




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