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词汇 directing
例句 Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing.阿尔夫·肖博格让她在其导演的戏中扮演重要角色。Who is directing the group's research effort?谁在指导该小组的研究工作?He wanted to give up acting and start directing (his own films).他想放弃表演转而开始导演(自己的电影)。Alf offered her a part in the play he was directing.阿尔夫在他导演的戏中给她安排了一个角色。There was a police officer directing the traffic.有一位警察在指挥交通。This is her first shot at directing a play.这是她第一次尝试导演一出戏。Mr Turner was directing the investigation from a very early stage.特纳先生几乎从一开始就负责这项调查。She enjoys both acting and directing.她既喜欢当演员,也喜欢当导演。His style of directing has set a new trend in moviemaking. 他的导演风格引领了电影制作的新潮流。Drunken football fans began directing a stream of abusive language at the policemen.喝醉了酒的球迷开始用一串串脏话谩骂警察。He is responsible for directing the activities of the sales team.他负责指导销售团队的活动。We are directing our efforts towards / toward helping young people.我们正致力于帮助年轻人。I am not directing here any longer; I have resigned.我不再在这里发号施令;我已辞职。A lot of people seem to confuse producing a film with directing one.很多人将制作电影与导演电影混为一谈。At a safe distance from the action, General Lewis was directing troop movements.刘易斯将军正在远离军事行动现场的安全地点指挥部队调动。Some crackpot in a clown suit is out there directing traffic.有个穿着小丑衣服的古怪家伙正在那边指挥交通。A policeman was injured while directing traffic.一位警察在指挥交通时受伤。He took his first stab at directing.他首次尝试做导演。His style of directing has spawned/inspired a number of imitators.他的导演风格催生/激励了许多效仿者。




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