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词汇 整天
例句 The store's been dead all day.这家店整天都冷冷清清的。She's so wrapped up in herself that she rarely calls me.整天埋头于自己的事情,很少给我打电话。He was tied to his desk all day. 整天都在办公桌前忙碌。He had a dull ache in his back from lifting boxes all day.因为整天搬箱子,他的背隐隐作痛。He mopes around all day.整天漫无目的地四处游荡。He led a sensual life.整天耽迷酒色。He mopes about all day.整天游手好闲。They toiled all day digging the trench.他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟。The band has been rehearsing at the studio all day.乐队整天在录音室排练。I should hate to be chained to a desk all day.我可能会讨厌整天伏案工作。My mother was preoccupied with my brother and his illness, so I was allowed to do what I wanted.我母亲整天担心弟弟和他的病,因此我可以想干什么就干什么。She was hoeing in the garden all day.整天都在园子里锄地。Hungry-looking men in cheap suits hung around the streets all day.衣着粗劣,满脸饿相的男人整天在街道上游荡。She just sits on her arse all day, while I do all the work.整天无所事事,而我却要做所有的工作。What was life worth under the hair shirt of this hideous fear?整天担惊受怕地受折磨,这样活着还有什么意思? I can't stand about nattering all day with you我受不了整天跟你瞎扯。He works all day on/with a computer.整天都用电脑工作。My husband asked why I couldn't just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead.丈夫问我为什么就不能不整天想着节食,转而正经吃饭。Have you guys been drinking all day?你们整天都在喝酒吗?He was driving me crazy, moping around the house all day.整天在房子里没精打采地走来走去,快把我弄疯了。Dad was glued to the TV all day long.爸爸整天一动不动地看电视。She has had her mother's illness on her mind all day.整天都在为她母亲的病担忧。I think it's cruel to keep dogs locked up inside all day.我认为整天把狗关起来是残酷的。She's stuck at home all day with the children.整天与孩子们一起呆在家里。The dog's aggression stemmed from being kept locked up all day.这条狗攻击性强是由于它整天被锁着引起的。His words were running in my head all day.他的话整天在我的脑海中萦回。All he does is sit in front of the television all day.他就整天坐在电视机前看电视。She can't stand being tethered to her desk all day. 她不能忍受整天守着书桌。Barry spent the day spring-cleaning.巴里用了整天时间大扫除。Rain had been falling steadily all day and the ground had become a marsh.整天下个不停,地面成了一片泽国。Staying at home all day was driving her around the bend.整天呆在家里,快把她憋疯了。Mike was charging around all day trying to get things organized.迈克整天东奔西跑,想把事情安排妥当。My uncle's been put out to grass and now has nothing to do all day.我叔叔被解雇了,现在整天无所事事。I wish she wouldn't sit brooding in her room all day.我希望她不要整天呆在房间里忧心忡忡的。We were all fed up with listening to her complaints the whole time.整天在抱怨,我们都听腻了。Cathy felt blue all day.凯西整天沮丧著。They kidded around with him all day.他们整天跟他开玩笑。Our neighbors play their loud music at all hours of the day. 我们的邻居整天大声播放音乐。A healthy child cannot be idle; he has to be doing something all day.一个健康的儿童不能无所事事;他必须整天做点什么。I've been running around all day trying to organize a party.整天都在四处奔忙,想要组织一个聚会。




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